Thursday, September 20, 2012


To Promote Wellness

Doctors are human too aren’t they?  Considering the BIG BUSINESS INDSUTRY that is our country’s Health Care System, I sometimes question if doctors are concerned with their patients’ wellness as much as they are concerned with increasing the size of their bank accounts. 

I do not believe there is a simple answer to this question since all human beings are complicated creatures. 

I also have to admit I am a little biased. I believe most people who do not have a genetic health condition may have the ability to stay fairly well and reduce their dependence on Doctors and medication. My goal is to support you in moving toward wellness.

In my previous job as the Director of Truancy Prevention, in the beginning stages of building this new department in human services, a high level union representative, stated, “If (we were) successful it would reduce the number of active cases thereby reducing the number of Social Workers.” Are you certain your doctor does not think that way? The more healthy people, the less doctors will be needed. 

The health care industry is slowly moving towards using natural products for health but very few physicians I’ve spoken with are willing to discuss the topic. Instead they usually reach for a prescription pad. Their unwillingness to even consider alternative treatments makes me apprehensive.

The pharmaceutical companies are a dominant component of the health care industry. Everyone is making money off of our nation’s deteriorating health and the big pharmaceutical companies are at the root. Doctors are induced to use certain drugs as they are provided incentives to do so. The more scripts they write the more money they and the drug companies as well as affiliates like marketers, researchers, and all associated with this failed system gather. We are spending more money on health than ever before.

I guess the best question is, “Are We Better Off?” The answer is a resounding NO!!! Our health is not better. As a nation we are sicker than at any time in our history and this issue needs to become a topic of ongoing public discussion and action. This is a big part of my motivation to act now. We are trusting people with our lives without asking the hard questions. What is the motivation of a person who makes their fortune by treating illnesses with high priced drugs?

When money becomes a factor, we must question the motivation. The question is… how can we take our power back? What can we do ourselves to lessen our chances of having to sit in that costly doctor’s office?

Think about that question for a minute. We are not talking about the old time doctor who came to your home and lived a modest lifestyle. No not at all, we are talking big houses, fancy expensive cars, country clubs, and the bling, bling lifestyles. To be fair, I must also mention the unbelievable debt they accumulate in order to pay for medical school. So it is a prime directive for them to make a great deal of money as soon as they are able. Does this sound like someone who is motivated to keep you well? How can they maintain their lifestyle if you do not visit regularly?

The foundation of the system is flawed and the information for you to be and stay well is available but it is usually not the physicians that share this with us. Yes there a few famous television doctors who have appeared recently and they do have some good information. The trouble is we have no relationship with these people. Experience tells me, that most people are more likely to trust and act on information provided through relationship. Who are you more likely to listen to? Someone you know or someone you do not?

The flaw can be fixed but the fear is that the flow of money will be slowed. It is faulty thinking. What if they flipped and concentrated on wellness. I believe the majority of people want to be well but do not have the knowledge and in some cases the motivation since it seems easier and quicker to take a pill. I am betting you’d probably fall off the doctor’s table if he put the pad down and handed you a pamphlet on fitness or wrote the number of a certified personal trainer rather than a prescription.

What if doctors negotiated a reduced fee contract with the gym for their customers and monitored their progress instead of sending you to the pharmacy? What if they told the truth about the food pyramid instead of keeping quiet about the politics that went into that negotiation? Question after question needs to be asked of an industry that instead of telling the truth buckled under to the food industry and negotiated which truths could be told. Think about these things and then ask your doctor these hard questions. I’d love to hear how they respond.

If the information to keep us well was not readily available this would not be an issue. But the information does exist and the biggest question of all is why isn’t your doctor sharing it readily with you? Good question and until you get a good answer you need to be an active part of your wellness. The hard and scary truth is that it does not seem like the health care industry is motivated to keep us well. The motivating factor of the healthcare industry is money.

So I encourage everyone reading this to “Get Up and Get Moving” towards a healthier lifestyle. Whether it’s me or someone else, get someone to assist and support a healthier lifestyle for you. You can do it and I will continue to provide you with information that can help.

Create a great day for yourself and those around you while remembering,


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