Friday, June 28, 2013


 female  MRI 32% Body Fat

 Body Fat Is?

Over the last few weeks I have met many people in all shapes, sizes, races, gender, sexual preferences and levels of fitness. I have also been privy to many conversations especially with the men but some of the women as well and I have noticed 2 things and they appear at this point to be gender specific as the behaviors and self assessments are consistently incorrect and without any real foundation or facts.

Today I will address a major misconception the majority of women I interact with at the gym possess.  Most not all of the women have many misconceptions about body composition particularly as it concerns muscle and fat. Their conversations about muscle usually involve the words bulky, masculine, and big. Their concern is appreciated especially if they are viewing the muscle magazines and pictures of women bodybuilders who are often far more muscular than the average woman or man we see in our travels. As such they develop a warped perception of what a fit woman with excellent body fat levels looks like and they are hesitant to want to build the required amount of muscle to be fit, strong and overall healthy.

So they shy away from weight resistance training and it shows when we test them with the body fat calculator. Appearance is one component of the issue since being over weight often diminishes any one's appearance. More importantly it is unhealthy and makes everything a person does a little more difficult with each extra pound of fat.So let me set the record straight. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here it is.

The fat is on the left and the lean muscle is on the right. Enough said right. Enough said one would think but it isn't since frequently I am asked, "What if the fat is in my butt or legs', or I hear I like my butt big so I want to burn too much fat. Then there are those that appear to be thin but when tested they test high for body fat. We refer to this as skinny fat. Hey ladies if your body fat percentage is less than fit you are well on your way to developing long term chronic health issues. It does not matter what you appear to be it matters where you are on the chart below.

Body Fat Percentage Chart For Women

So ladies read it and know where you are. Your body fat percentage is a better indicator of your current or projected state of health than your weight or your BMI. Why doctors are not testing this critical indicator I can not tell you why but truly it provides essential information on what is going on inside your body. Pay attention to this indicator and keep it in the slim and fit categories and your quality of life no matter what else ails you will improve including your health, appearance, functional movements and sex life. So when you get off the treadmills, bikes, or other cardio machines head over to the weight resistance area and build some muscle to improve your health.

So let me congratulate you on making the effort to make it to the gym but do the entire workout so that   after you stop running or stair climbing you may burn 50 calories of fat for every pound of muscle while you are resting. So applaud yourselves for making the effort and take it up a notch by doing the required weight resistance training. Keep in mind while you are doing the weight resistance training that intensity counts as well cause as we all know..........


Fellas I will be addressing you tomorrow

Sunday, June 23, 2013


For You

First I want to apologize to my readers for the rather long hiatus from writing this blog. I began working for LA Fitness in mid April of this year and schedule takes a bit of getting used to. As a result I have not written consistently since then. I apologize the the loyal and faithful and I am committed to posting a minimum of 3 to 4 times per week.

The picture above is from the seniors I teach each week about health and fitness. They are actively seeking out the information to help and improve their health. It is a weekly class where we exercise using weight resistance and spend time discussing their nutrition. They are seniors who want to increase their stamina, stability and improve their quality of life. 

They will be successful for the following reasons.

  1. They have a trainer, me, who is providing them with the information they require to perform weight resistance exercises, safely and efficiently. Already I have noticed a change in their range of motion and comfort with increasing the amount of weight they are lifting. Weight resistance training is a major part of staying fit for anyone but especially those over the age of 30 since your body is no longer growing on it's own. So you are losing muscle as you age. As you lose muscle you lose strength, endurance and stability as well as the ability to burn fat.
  2. Our class is intense with brief rest between sets. We train hard since we only have an hour and we also cover nutrition there is not a lot of time for rest breaks and to be honest they do not seem to need it despite their advanced age. The youngest participant is 65+  years old and they are serious about working out and feeling better.
  3. We eliminate any distractions and since most of them do not have cell phones and if they do texting and other communications are not their priority working out is. As a result there time is focused on what they say the came their to do. Workout to build muscle thereby increasing their stamina, stability and endurance which in turn will improve their quality of life.
So for the rest of you who workout and go the the gym I suggest you take a tip form these older and wiser seniors and do the following.
  • Invest in yourself and purchase the services of a trainer who can help you design and implement a program that will propel you towards your goals. If you have been coming the gym for months or years and not much has changed than you are a prime candidate for a Certified Personal Trainer.
  • Increase the intensity of your workouts and increase your results. Rest at home after you have finished your workout not after every set. Build in some super sets to increase your endurance, fat burning and maintain a good pump.
  • Leave the distractions at home, in the car or in the locker. This includes but is not limited to cell phones (other than music), news papers, books and even friends if they are holding you back with all the Chit Chat.
So I applaud the fact that you may be up and moving already but after weeks of observing what many refer to as a workout I am not surprised that I see little or no progress in most of the people that attend the gym. I hope you will try the steps listed above if you want to achieve better results and build the body you desire.

So Stay Up and Keep Moving because...............