A recent study was published by
the West Virginia School of Medicine that indicated that baby boomers are in
worst health than the generation that immediately preceded them. Wow that is
remarkable given all of the advances in medicine over the last 20 years or so.
I’ll bet many of you are surprised by this information since it is counter
intuitive. If medical treatment is becoming more sophisticated and advanced how
can we possibly be losing ground in the health of our aging citizenship? We are
living longer and longer, so much so that there is discussion in Congress about
extending the retirement age.
Well of course Congress may have
a different agenda and so does the health care industry. One must first realize
it is an industry that began with some draconian procedures that did more harm
than good. As they advanced and became more of a conglomerate monopolizing all
discussion, research and provision of health and wellness, less and less
alternatives were made available. Since they regulate themselves, anything they
perceive as a threat to their dominion is shut down and dismissed as quackery. Alternative
medical practices although not necessarily struggling are not able to provide
the competition required to motivate them to consider less expensive, less
intrusive alternatives to what is commonly practiced by the medical industry.
Let’s take a look at what medical
practice is. (Their words not mine.) First let us look at the word practice,
which is the process of repeating something many times in order to improve
performance; or to do something as an established custom or habit. Which of these
do you prefer when it comes to your health, wellness and your life? Yes we are
talking about your life and not just being alive but how well you live.
Personally I do not want anyone practicing on me under the guise they are an
expert. Problem is they are not straightforward about the practice since most
present themselves as the experts.
Secondly let’s look at the word
treatment, “the application of medical care to cure disease, heal injuries or
ease symptoms.” Treatment is tantamount to chasing the horse after it has left
the barn. Problem is it is easier to catch the horse than to retrieve your
health once you have lost it. Our medical profession has lost its way and
wellness or the maintenance of good health is no longer their cause. The belief
that drives them to treat disease rather than prevent disease is based in fear
and ignorance. Their behavior and outright rejection of preventive alternatives
reveals the truth that they do not believe there is a market for wellness. They
believe they need, require sick people to treat in order to maintain their
So yes they are able to keep us alive
longer but at what cost to our lifestyles. Do you imagine yourself with a
walker or cane at age 55+; how about a motorized chair or portable oxygen; want
to be on a first name basis with your pharmacist or surgeon; what about
dialysis or a transplant. None of these sounds like a lifestyle anyone would consciously
chose and in most cases it is preventable. So why do we actively chose to be
treated rather than practicing prevention and maintenance? It is simple, they
have made it easier for us to become dependent on their practices and products
after all they control the knowledge and any movement in the ranks is actively
and vigorously discouraged. Meanwhile they are able to maintain their lifestyles
because their practice requires repeating something many times in order to
improve performance; or to do something as an established custom or habit. The
evidence is clear if you chose their practice of treatment you will be potential
choosing a lifestyle you never dreamed for yourself.
Traditional medicine talks about
practice, while most alternative health enthusiasts speak of lifestyle which is
a way of life characteristic of a particular person, group or culture. In other
words a way of living that you chose not something that befalls you while
someone else is practicing. It requires you to take responsibility for living a
particular way that is hopefully in your best interest. Ask yourself is their practice
becoming your lifestyle? If it is you can get free and develop a new treatment
plan. Find a practice that is willing to include healthy alternatives beyond their
comfort zone. If it is a really a practice shouldn’t they be more open to going
beyond the status quo? Find someone who is willing to work with you. I once had
a doctor whose response to pain in my elbow from lifting heavy was, “stop
lifting heavy.” I left his practice and found someone who was willing to help
me maintain my lifestyle not theirs.
So if you are relying on your
doctor to keep you well it is a mistake of gargantuan proportions. I besiege
you do not do this. You may end up having a long and expensive relationship
with this person that is not mutually beneficial. These are the type of the
negative impact relationships that one must Get UP Get Moving and Run For Your
Life. Keeping in mind………..