The last 2 weeks have been
extremely busy for me. First came the storm and I drove to Maryland to bring my
mother in law up here to be with family. Then there was the election and I play
a small part in my communities voting process which I enjoyed. Despite the pain
in my legs from standing all day I was elated to see, so many people who
historically do not vote, making a huge effort to do so this time. Several
people reported traveling to several different polling sites due to some
confusion. The result speaks for itself.
So needless to say this threw my
routine into chaos. I am missing gym and blog time trying to care for others
around me. The good thing is I am able to do so because I care for myself
during times when my services are not required. Having good genetics helps as
well and I think God for that. I also know hard work beats talent when talent
does not work hard. So no matter our genes or our age in order to maximize our
health we all need to actively participate.
Often when I miss the gym consecutively
I feel the difference immediately. The lethargy is palpable as I tire easily
and sleep is fitful. As I sit here writing this the same pants that were
comfortable and went without notice are now reminding me that I need to get
back to work, writing and working out. It does not take much inactivity to stop
progress. I usually go to the gym 5-6 days per week and even during the chaos I
was attending 3-4 days per week. I won’t get on the scale but I will trust my
belt loop to keep me honest. Hey Folks, “Belt
Loops Do Not Lie.”
So after a break in the action
you need to pay attention as it is easy to extend the break beyond what is
required of your time. It is easier to stay still once you have been still.
Inertia is a natural phenomenon and combined with a few good excuses has the
potential to lead to sustained inactivity. No
the cleaners did not shrink your clothes, you gained weight. All reports
show any sustained inactivity is harmful to our mind body and soul. It actually
takes time off of your life as demonstrated in a recent study. See the link below….
So I have purchased some
alternative equipment to workout whenever I cannot get to the gym. Simple
things like the exercise ball, the stretch bands and some small weights will
keep me moving. We have to find an alternative when barriers arise or you will
lose ground. Pay attention to those belt loops they will not lie to you. When the belt loop get tight it is time to Get
Up Get Moving cause