Carbohydrates and Fats
As I watch the health
pundits continue to speak about health/obesity and only refer to the amount of
calories taken in and the amount of energy output exclusively, I become alarmed
and dismayed. My concern is because good health is more than about calories. It
is about the type of calories as much as it is about the amount. You must pay attention to what is in the
food and how the food affects your body. I have written several articles
referencing these concerns so let me try to pull some of it together in one
Overwhelmingly there is more
evidence that balance is what is most important. A balanced diet will promote higher energy levels, more efficient
digestion and usage of fuel with lower rates of diet related illnesses.
There are foods our bodies digest well and foods that throw them into disarray
and cause undetected long term stress causing our organs and muscles to work harder
to maintain balance. I will attempt to explain some of this without all of the
technical language that causes readers to glaze over and click on something
Carbs vs. Bad Carbs.
Let’s start with High
fructose corn syrup which is a deadly carbohydrate that our body does not
recognize and therefore we do not process in an effective and efficient way. Studies indicate that when lab animals
consume the same caloric amounts of fructose as opposed to sucrose (table
sugar) they gained significantly greater amounts of weight. Additionally,
the fat was belly fat which studies also indicate lead to a myriad of health
problems including but not limited to obesity, heart conditions, and believe it
or not erectile dysfunction. Ladies and gentleman is it worth the risk.
"When rats are drinking
high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they're
becoming obese -- every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a
high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight, said Bart Hoebel, who specializes in the neuroscience of appetite,
weight and sugar addiction.
We often hear avoid carbohydrates and there is
at least one popular diet that indicates this is the problem and encourages us
to avoid them at all risk. Well, that is not correct either. All carbohydrates
are not the same and vegetables, whole grains, and beans are great nutritious
carbs that also contain proteins and fiber. These added nutrients are important
to our bodies. Why you ask? Well the fiber slows down the sugar absorption
thereby reducing the spikes in blood sugar levels. This lowers your risk for
type 2 diabetes. Certain fibers found in whole grains and beans lower the bad
cholesterol and make us feel full quicker so we eat less.
So what are the bad
carbohydrates? This is easy to define. First if it is white it is not right for
your body. White flour and sugar is refined and has no nutritional value for
you. Sugar and refined grains such as white flour provide quick energy.
Although this may seem fine for the moment there is scientific evidence that
suggest these spikes in blood sugar levels stresses our organs and leads to
type 2 diabetes. Diabetes alone attacks every system in our body including our
muscles and organs. You have to really
pay attention because in many cases where a product is marketed as low calorie
or low fat these bad carbohydrates are being added to supply additional flavor.
Fat vs. Bad Fat
Over the years fat has taken
a beating and has become the scapegoat for bad health. Fat free foods have
popped up everywhere without the real understanding that like carbs there are
good fats and bad fats. Essential Fatty Acids such linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are necessary
for many bodily functions including brain function and the growth and
development in children. Again balance is important as linoleic acid from meat
is associated with inflammation heart disease and other serious health issues.
However, alpha linoleic acid (omega 3 fatty acid) from fish, flax seeds and
other sources are associated with positive health outcomes such as improving
brain functioning, lowering blood pressure, and a reduction in heart disease
and arthritis.
problem with our intake of fat is that it is usually the bad fats. We eat tons
of saturated and Trans fat which is associated with high cholesterol, heart
disease, high blood pressure and stroke. We are eating these foods because they
are prevalent in our food supply while the real information regarding the
problems is not. Even in products labeled 0 Trans fat, by law, they are allowed
to have trace amounts that add up quickly. The biggest issue is the processing
that allows for a tastier product and longer shelf life. A process called hydrogenation
is the culprit since it converts some unsaturated fats into saturated Trans
fat. There is no dietary requirement for Trans or saturated fats.
Acid and Alkaline Balance
am sure we all remember our High School Science classes when we measured the ph
balance of various chemicals. Well the body is the most complicated chemistry experiment
ever and we are no different. We have a
ph and when it is balanced we will likely to remain healthy. When it is not we
will begin to fail. For good health the human body should be as close to
neutral as possible or slightly on the alkaline side since when our ph falls
below 7 dysfunction and destruction of our internal systems begins but is
rarely detected. When we become acidic, in order to maintain balance the body
makes internal adjustments which stress our body and result in short and long
term illness.
American diet, which is being exported to the world, is primarily composed of
acidifying elements like proteins, refined grains (cereals) and sugar (all). The following list of foods
are acidifying: red meat, poultry, fish,
mussels, shrimp, cheese, animal fat, vegetable oils, whole and refined grains,
legumes, white sugar, sweets, walnuts, hazelnuts, coffee, tea, cocoa, mayonnaise
mustard and Ketchup. Yes all of our
favorites but remember this is about balance. So the question is “what are the
foods that promote an alkaline internal environment?”
foods consist primarily of green and colored vegetables and potatoes (with the exception of tomatoes). I want to be
specific about these as well so there is no guessing on anyone's part.
Green vegetables, salad
greens, green beans, cabbage, bok choi
Colored vegetables like
beets, carrots, red/green/yellow peppers
Bananas dried fruits
unless acidic to the taste
Almonds, chestnuts, brazil
Milk liquid and powdered,
large curd cottage cheese, cream, butter
Avocado, black olives
information is not new or hard to find and in fact there is a famous chef in
NYC that is changing his restaurant menu to include acid/alkaline balanced
meals as he better understands the relationship between different foods and
their impact on our being. Let’s analyze the simple meal of a hamburger with
fries. Seems like it should be on the bad fuel list but in this context no. It
is a balanced meal. Its value could be improved if the potato was baked however
without the potato you have a highly acidic meal consisting of white flour,
tomato, fatty beef protein, ketchup (sugar & salt), salt and pepper. All of
these items are acidic and force our organs to export essential minerals to offset
the impact of the acidic intake. When you add the potato you reduce the stress
on your internal organs and increase the nutritional value of the meal.
using this information I am sharing requires us to pay attention. The first step to succeeding at anything is
to Pay Attention to detail as well as the big picture. Understand the goal
here is not to be thin but to be healthy. I see and know many thin people who
are not healthy and have chronic diseases that are limiting their ability to
enjoy their lives.
Internal acidifying of the body causes unseen
damage to your internal organs and over time may manifest themselves in the
following ways:
Lack of energy: constant fatigue, loss of
physical tone, and psychic drive, heaviness in the limbs, feelings of inability
to cope, sudden loss of energy after eating acidic foods.
Lower body temperature: sensations of intense and
deep inner chills
Weight loss due to decalcification of bones to
replace loss minerals
Tendency to get infections because of a compromised
immune system.
is an abbreviated listing as the complete list is very long and specific. I
will post it in its entirety later so that you may be able to understand what
is happening with your body despite not having a diagnosis and/or reducing or
eliminating the amount of medications you are taking.
But if nothing else, understand there is more to being healthy than losing weight and looking healthy. Being or becoming healthy is about pay attention to the facts. And the facts are
It will take attention, time and effort to go to
the gym or workout/move at home or work.
It will take attention, time and effort to
prepare the best fuels and combine them for balance.
· It will take attention, time and effort to shop
for the best fuels especially if you are in a neighborhood denied healthy food.
It will take attention, time, and effort to pack
a lunch for work or a long ride.
is not intended to be critical. It has taken me 25 plus years to get to this
point where I am making conscious decisions about my health and if you have not
started it will take you some time as well. My mission is to provide the research
to you and remove the only barrier that I can control by providing research and
experiential information to you. I hope you absorb it as
it is intended to provide motivation support and reliable information.
the time to question how you feel. It may not be because you are aging. Yes
aging has some impact but aging well is the key to being able to do 99% of what
I could do five and ten years ago. I want that for each of
you as well. Can you imagine
being able to compete with people 20 and 30 years younger than you and succeed?
Well you do not have to imagine it; you have the ability to make it a reality.
It feels great when they approach and their first question is, “how old are you?”
I love telling my age when it is being asked because I am doing things people
do not expect me to be able to do.
the past aging was blamed for many things. Well we know better now and it is
clear that if we Get Up Get Moving,
we will be better off for having done so no matter what our affliction may be. I encourage you to Pay Attention to how
you feel and ask yourself, “Is it possible for me to feel better?” You know
before you ask the answer is yes.
The complete listing of ailments caused by the
body’s ph being acidic is below: