Saturday, April 13, 2013


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Are a rich source of heart healthy mono unsaturated fats and is concentrated with essential nutrients. Although avocados are full of fat they are primarily mono unsaturated and necessary for the body particularly the heart to function well. The oleic acid contained in these fats can help to reduce bad blood cholesterol levels. They also have a large range of nutrients, including vitamins C,E, and B6, folate, iron, magnesium, and potassium. In addition they contain
antioxidant plant chemicals beta-sitosterol which can also help lower bad cholesterol and glutathione which protects against cancer.

  • The Vitamin E content boost the immune system, keeps skin healthy and prevents heart disease.
  • Lutein content helps protect against eye cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • High mono unsaturated fat help lower bad cholesterol.
  • Magnesium content helps maintain a healthy heart.
  • 22 grams of protein for muscle growth.
Choose avocados that are unblemished and absent of soft spot as this suggest bruising. They are ready to eat if the flesh yields slightly when pressed with the thumb. You can accelerate ripening put them in a paper bag with a banana. Cut vertically down to the pit and twist to separate the two halves. Once cut use lemon juice or vinegar to prevent discoloration.

Spicy Avocado Dip

  • 2 large avocados
  • juice from 2 limes
  • 2 large garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 tsp of mild chili powder or to taste
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Cut the avocados in half. Remove the pits and skin and discard.
  2. Place the avocado flesh in the food processor with the juice of 2 limes or to taste. 
  3. Add the garlic and chili powder and process until smooth
  4. Transfer to large serving bowl and season to taste.

This is a quick and easy recipe anyone con make in 15 minutes or less. It serves 4 and is excellent for gathering small or large. Your guest will love the taste and never know you are serving them a healthy dish. Once you have devoured this wonderful dish you know what I want you to do next. Yes that is correct, Get Up Get Moving and Get Well cause......


Thursday, April 11, 2013



"An apple a day will keep the doctor", away may have some truth to it. They are rich in potassium and some vitamin C but the most important benefit may be the high levels of various plant chemicals including the flavonoid quercetin. This anti inflammatory agent also is an anticancer agent. They are also loaded with pectin a soluble fiber known for lowering bad cholesterol and helping in prevention of colon cancer. Research has shown that adults who regularly eat apples have smaller waistlines, less abdominal fat, and lower blood pressure than those who do not. Apples are virtually fat free.

  • Flavonoids for healthy heart and lungs.
  • Low in calories and low on the glycemic index
  • Rich in Pectin which can improve blood lipids and lower bad cholesterol
  • High in Potassium which can prevent fluid retention.

Stuffed Baked Apples

  • 2 1/2 heaping tbsp of blanched almonds
  • 1/3 cup of plumped dried apricots
  • 1 piece of preserved ginger drained
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • 1 tbsp syrup from the preserved ginger jar.
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Use a sharp knife or food processor to chop the almonds, apricots, and ginger finely and set to the side.
  3. Place the honey and syrup in a sauce pan and heat slowly until the honey is melted. Add the cinnamon and gently cook for one minute. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the apricots, almonds and ginger.
  4. Core the apples and widen the top slightly and scone horizontally around the circumference of each to prevent the skin from bursting while cooking.
  5. Place the apples in a ovenproof dish and fill the cavities with the contents of the saucepan. Pour just enough water to cover the bottom 1/3 of the apples.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes and serve immediately.
I hope you enjoy this wonderfully tasty recipe in good health. It is rich in vitamins and fiber and will provide with sustainable energy You may want to substitute dried peaches for the apricots and walnuts for the almonds. Either way I guarantee you will enjoy this as the mixture of texture and, taste. The sweetness of the honey, tartness of the green apple and pungent flavors of the cinnamon and ginger will tease your taste buds and enrich your health.

Once you finish eating this heart healthy morsel you know what to do don't you. Yeah it the same mantra everyday, Get UP Get Moving, Get Well cause....


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


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Home 2

Since it is possible many of you have not done strenuous exercise in sometime and have advanced in age like myself, I believe increasing your stability is an important first step subsequent to the stretching exercises. So today I will provide some activities that will increase you balance and strengthen your core. Strengthening your core is important because it is involved in everything we do. Think about when either your back or stomach is bothering you and the impact it has on physical activity. Not pleasant is it?  Everything is a bit more difficult, you move slower, and the lack of comfort is ever present.

Strengthening your core will also reduce your waist line since you will build muscle in that area. A more important reason to strengthen your core, the area between your hips and ribs, is these muscles stabilize your spine. When they weaken you can also expect to suffer back pain. These muscles are hard for the contemporary person to find because you can not see or feel them working but as you strengthen them over time you will notice the difference in how you feel and improve your ability to maintain good posture.

Equipment Required: Exercise Ball and Mat

Sitting Balance

  1. Sit on the ball hip width apart.
  2. Raise one leg and hold for 5 seconds (increase over time as you improve)
  3. Put the foot down and lift the other foot.
  4. Complete 15 reps = 1 set
  5. Do 3 sets

Basic Bridge
  1. Lie on your back with your arms by your side
  2. Place your feet on the ball so that it is resting under your calf muscles.
  3. Slowly Lift your hips off the floor, while contracting your abdominal and gluteal muscles until your body is diagonal from shoulders to knees. Hold for 5 seconds
  4. Complete 15 reps = 1 set.
  5. Do 3 sets.

Basic Bridge with Leg Lifts
  1. Lie on your back with your arms by your side
  2. Place your feet on the ball so that it is resting under your calf muscles.
  3. Slowly lift your hips off the floor using, while contracting your abdominal and gluteal muscles until your body is diagonal from shoulders to knees
  4. Lift one leg off of the ball while maintaining bend in the knee. Hold for 5 seconds.
  5. Complete 15 reps = 1 set.
  6. Do 3 sets.

High Bridge

  1. Lie on your back with your arms by your sides and your knees bent.
  2. Place your feet on top of the ball and contract  your abdominal and gluteal muscles to lift your hips, keeping your knees bent until your body is diagonal from knees to shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Complete 15 reps = 1 set
  4. Do 3 sets

Reverse Bridge
  1. Sit on the ball with your hands by your sides and feet hip width apart.
  2. Contract your abdominal and gluteal muscles and walk your feet forward, rolling your hips down and lying back on the ball as you do. Stop when you reach your shoulders keeping your knees bent at a 90 angle. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Walk your feet in reverse until you return to a sitting position.
  4. Complete 15 reps = 1 set.
  5. Do 3 sets.

Basic Abdominal Exercises

Preparing Your Abdominals
  1. Place the ball against a wall and lie on the floor with your feet on the ball and your knees bent.
  2. Place a folded towel or small pillow between your legs.
  3. Very gently breathe in through your nose. As you breathe out slowly focus on your stomach muscles pulling down to the floor. Squeeze the towel or pillow with your thighs. 
  4. This will contract your deep internal muscles.
  5. Hold for 5 seconds and release.
  6. Complete 15 reps = 1 set.
  7. Do 3 sets.

  1. Lie on your back with both heels resting on the ball, your hips and knees at an angle and your arms resting on the floor.
  2. Contract your abdominal muscles  and breathe steadily.
  3. Nod your chin while head is still on the floor. Lift your head bending the upper body and raising your arms parallel to the floor. Use your abdominal muscles to lift not your back or your hands.
  4. Hold for 5 seconds
  5. Complete 15 reps = 1 set
  6. Do 3 sets

Side Crunches (Obliques/Love Handles)
  1. Lie on one side with the ball beneath you and your feet against a wall, one in front of the other.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest and slowly lift your upper torso from the ball.
  3. Hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Complete 15 reps = 1 set.
  5. Do 3 sets for the right and left side.

Seated Crunches
  1. Sit on the ball with feet on the floor hip width apart. Walk your feet forward until your lower back is supported by the ball.
  2. Slowly bring your shoulders forward by contracting your abdominal muscles tightly.
  3. Hold for 5 seconds
  4. Complete 15 reps = 1 set.
  5. Do 3 sets.

These exercises will increase strength and balance in your core using muscle you do not use frequently so it may seem difficult at first but do not give up. Start slow the number of repetitions and sets listed above are a reasonable goal not the starting point. You may be able to do only a few at first but if consistent and persistent you will get better over time as you core muscles strengthen.

So I recommend you Get Up Get Moving and Give It A Try because.....


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


He was funny

Power Walking Senior

She was nice but her dog was nervous

Elderly couple out for a walk
High Schoolers Training
Enjoyable activities to keep in mind as the weather gets better. As it gets warmer getting outside and moving in the sun is a great idea. Not only is there the exercise to consider but an essential vitamin is provided by the sun. It is vitamin D and it is an essential vitamin for our brain our organs, muscles and bones.

 Most people north of the equator are deficient in Vitamin D because we do not get enough sunshine. Not our fault there is not enough provided due to the weather. However supplements will help but going out in the beautiful sunshine is the most effective.

So Get Up Get Moving Get Out Because....



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If you are just getting started the exercise ball is a great and inexpensive investment in yourself. It is versatile, easy to use and easy to store. The versatile allow you to workout all of your major muscle groups going from low intensity to high intensity workouts to shape and sculpt the body you want. Like everything else it requires some hard work, commitment and discipline. You can do it and achieve your goals.

For today's blog all you will need is the ball and an exercise mat.

The exercise ball requires a neutral spine at all times. Maintaining the natural curve in your back is important for the majority of exercises. Practicing good posture is important since it allows your body to function with the least amount of strain on your skeletal and internal systems. Standing and sitting up straight are essential elements to maintaining and projecting good health and vitality.

  1. Lie down on your exercise mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Contract your abdomen tight and bring your belly button toward the floor.
  3. Maintain contact between your back and the floor without arching it. Relax and breathe deeply through your abdomen.

  1. Kneel on the mat in front of the ball with your abdomen on the ball and your hands out reaching to the floor.
  2. Roll forward on the ball until the ball is under your knees and supporting your weight.
  3. Tighten the muscles of your abdomen and buttocks without arching your spine.
  4. Hold this position until you feel stable.

  1. Sit with your buttocks at the center of the ball. Keep your back straight and feet hip width apart.
  2. Set your abdominal muscle by contracting them tightly and sit up straight with shoulders straight not rounded.
  3. Keep your head straight not back/forward or tilted to either side.

Warm Up

Reach and Squat
  1. Stand up with the your feet about shoulder width apart and raise the ball over your head.
  2. Bend your knees and lower the ball towards the floor
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat 15 x's = 1 set
  4. Do 2 sets.


Shoulder Stretch
  1. Kneel in front of the ball
  2. Put your forearms on the ball and let your body relax downward until you feel the stretch in your shoulders.
  3. Hold for 8-10 seconds and return the starting position
  4. Do 2-3 x's.

Pectoral Stretch
  1. Kneel at the side of the ball with one hand on the floor and the hand of the outstretched arm on the ball.
  2. Gently lower your chest towards the floor until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulder.
  3. Hold for 8-10 seconds.
  4. Repeat with opposite side.
  5. Do 2-3 x's.

Spine Stretch
  1. Kneel before the ball and place your abdomen, chest and shoulders on the ball with your hands on the floor in front of you.
  2. Allow your body to mold around the ball and relax allowing your spine to stretch.
  3. Hold 8-10 seconds.
  4. Repeat 2-3 x's.

Hamstring Stretch
  1. Sit on the ball with your legs stretched out in front of you about hip width apart and your hands resting on your legs above the knees.
  2. Bending at the hips allow your shoulders to come forward toward the floor while keeping your back straight.
  3. Hold for 8-10 seconds
  4. Repeat 2-3 x's


The ball is recommended for improving balance and forcing your core to work  harder doing the exercises and throughout the routine. Please be sure to consciously use your core muscle to stabilize you. In addition to using your core you will also being using additional muscles in your back shoulders and legs as they also work to maintain balance.

This is a good warm up routine for those working out with a ball whether in the home or at the gym. I want to repeat as I stated in earlier posting before beginning an exercise routine if you are not active please consult your physician to determine if you are capable without causing injury or worse. Once you get the okay Get Up Get Moving because...


Monday, April 8, 2013


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I am reposting this for my new readers.

Good Morning Readers, I am back writing this week after some very hectic and busy days during the holiday. I enjoyed my holiday and being able to share time with my friends and family. Actually it was primarily family this year and even better it was friendly family rather than family we are obligated to see. The only disappointment was I did not get to see my mom on Christmas day since she was not feeling well and my wife and I were hosting the holiday party. The circumstances left me no time to travel to see her until New Years.

My gift giving this year was a bit risky as I went out on the limb a little and decided to give folks what they really needed rather than stuff. So prior to the holiday I pondered how might I provide them with the opportunity to improve or maintain good health? My first thought was to provide personal training but I have daughters in New York and Texas and other family spread out across this area in such a way that it would not be possible to see each of them regularly. After sometime though providing them with simple exercise equipment for the home seemed the best idea of all. My biggest concerns were how would these types of gifts be received and how to provide instruction and motivation?

The first concern is not really something that I could control so I did not spend much time worrying about how they may receive the gift. My hope was and is that they understood healthy living is a focus of mine and although thankfully no one is in poor health each of us has room to improve and sustain the blessing of our current health status. The second concern of how to instruct them to properly use the equipment was of greater concern since many in my family have never really developed an exercise regime. However I was fortunate to find written and video media that provided instruction in Pilates, the exercise ball and yoga. I also provided mats, exercise balls, and resistance bands.

I gave these gifts to my wife and daughters, my mother and one of my sisters with the hope they will use them to improve and sustain a healthier lifestyle. My mother used to say good intentions pave the path to hell but fortunately in this situation it turned out well and all received them with thanks and appreciation. The last issue is a little more difficult though, since motivation is a perplexing and individual issue for many people. Even when we know something is best for us it can be difficult for some to get moving. As a result they never take that first step despite having all of the tools and ability to succeed.

So instead of talking about motivation and will power let’s talk about lifestyle change. So let’s discuss what that is and what it looks like when done effectively. Since we all know it will involve some type of movement or exercise I will not dwell on that one despite its importance in creating and sustaining a healthy mind and body. Instead I am talking about changing how you shop, how you cook, how you portion your meals, what you eat, and when you eat it and where you eat.

How you shop for groceries has to come first since if you are consuming bad fuel you will eventually experience poor outcomes via your physical and possibly your mental health. It will take you more time and energy initially but it is well worth the additional minutes in the grocery store to read the packaging, rather than the doctor’s office, so you know what you are consuming. A quick rule of thumb my wife and I currently utilize is this, “If it has more than 5-7 items in it we do not want it. Experiment and find healthier substitutes to use that are more natural than the processed and packaged materials with all of the additives. Consuming higher quality fuel will result in better health even before you start your exercise routines. If you do not have the poor products in your home, you and your loved ones will be far less likely to consume them in the quantities you do currently.

If you are committed and successful at changing how you shop, it will make changing how you cook a lot easier. Better fuel is the first step but you also have to be consistent and not take great fuel and turn it into a toxic item by cooking them in a manner or that adds in the toxins we all need to avoid as much as possible. So broiling or baking instead of frying; limiting the amount of added salt; utilizing olive oil instead of butter or saturated oils; eliminating can goods whenever possible; coating your chicken or fish with ground nuts rather than bread crumbs are a few suggestions off the top of my head and I currently utilize these techniques. I can honestly tell you that my wife and I cooked the entire Xmas dinner with no dairy, wheat, sugar, or frying oils. It was healthier without losing the desired flavor.

Even with high quality fuels and healthier cooking, portion size is still important. Although calories in and calories burned is not the only factor, it is still an important part of the process. Fuel consumed that is not immediately required is stored as fat so be aware that you must eat slower and allow your mind to catch up with your stomach. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your mind to signal the body that it is full. So if you are eating your meals in less than 20 minutes you are at risk for over eating. Take your time chew your food longer which will help with digestion and savor the flavor. Try some chopsticks instead of a fork and spoon and watch how much less you eat. Slowing consumption is an important step in controlling the portion you eat.

What you eat is always important but one concept people often miss is when you eat it. Breakfast should never be skipped but it is not a bagel or what society has taught us to eat. We all need to understand the influence and power of the agricultural industry. I do not remember my family eating cereal or other wheat products for breakfast until my mother went back to work and expedience became an issue.

Bacon and eggs was our staple and we may have added a piece of toast or fruit. Pancakes, donuts and other bread or wheat laden meals were a rarity and we must remember we do not have the same wheat as our parents were afforded. Genetic engineering and processing have ruined what was once a healthy product. Protein for breakfast is important for sustaining energy and will eliminate the mid morning sugar crash. It is just as important in the evening about an hour or so prior to bed for the same reasons and may help to eliminate the midnight hunt for a quick fix.

Last but not least is where do you eat? If it is fast food of any kind you are already in a hole that you soon may have a difficult time digging yourself out. There is no healthy fast food period and most of what is provided in mainstream restaurants isn’t much better. The amount of salt and butter and other less than healthy products, used in most to increase the flavor, decrease the overall value of the product. I went to have breakfast last week a local place and they used butter in everything. Needless to say I did not eat there but the key to this was I asked how they cooked their food and offered alternatives solutions but they did not have the healthier alternatives on hand.I am sure you already know my solution is to eat at home where you are able to determine the quality of the products you are consuming.

So the activity for all of us is to examine how you shop, how you cook, how you portion your meals, what you eat and when you eat it, and where you eat. It is a step by step process that will assist you in improving your health, losing the weight and reducing the number of prescriptions and doctor visits. Seems to me the convenience of fast food and poor fuel is time traded seeing doctors and filling prescriptions. This constitutes more money for less health and increased aggravation, pain and heartache. Join me and Get Up Get Moving toward and healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle and remember…………..



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Every Day at School

This post will be short since the video speaks for itself. It is a TED video of approximately 20 minutes that really lay out the problems with our health in this country. He is a British Chef and advocate for better food to create better health. His name is Jamie Oliver. I enjoyed this and want to share it with others.

So watch and enjoy the video and share with as many people as possible so they begin to understand they need to Get Up Get Moving cause....


Sunday, April 7, 2013


My Photo


Hi Folks,
I went for another walk a few days ago and I happened upon a school yard. I walked around the building and on the south side in the direction the wind was blowing, there was a myriad of wrappers from products the children discarded. I decided to make a visual record of everything that was there. I did not select what items to photograph I took pictures of every item I was able to see. 

This is what our children are eating while in school and I am sure while they are home as well. Notice there is not one healthy item. No water bottles, orange peels, apple cores, or banana peels. Some of you have seen the video of the 60 minutes show on the manufacturing of flavors so give some thought to "What Are They/We Eating? The one gentleman in the white lab coat admitted they are purposely trying to have us become addicted to the food and I use that word loosely since they indicated these are chemicals intended to stimulate the pleasure centers in our brains. Last time I checked most chemicals that induce that type of response in our brain is called a Drug not food. 

While you peruse these pictures I want you to maintain this reference in the forefront of your mind. There are drugs in these products intended to stimulate our pleasure centers for short periods of time causing us to return for more a short period later. Addiction is the word, the interviewer used and the subject confirmed. Addicted is not something I want to be to anything. Didn't the tobacco industry get hammered legally for the same behavior. Purposely and consciously going to extensive means to get some to ingest a product they know;

  • Is not nutritious and may be harmful to your short and long term health.
  • It is highly likely that as a direct result of their manipulation you will eat more than you need when you do eat their product/drug.
  • It is also high likely that as a direct result of their manipulation you will continue to return to this product because you are addicted to it.
  • It is also high likely that as a direct result of their manipulation you will develop, chronic life threatening illnesses that will eventually cause your death.
In most venues this is called MURDER!!!!!!!!!! Because it is slower, ,more painful, and done with little or no conscience, compassion or candor does not lessen the crime.

Do you or the people charged with protecting us from them and hopefully ourselves even know exactly what chemicals are being used? Since most of these chemicals are hidden behind the veil of "trade secrets" they are able to keep the truth hidden. This may be a new triangle trade the 3 M's, "Monsanto, Medical Maintenance and Medicine". You decide for yourself as I believe they described in the feature if you want to eat something they took from a gland in beaver's butt. If they put that in the ingredients they may not be able to sell that product. Give it some thought what do you want your kids, family to eat?

Artificial flavor & Sugar

Artificial flavor & Sugar & Fat

Artificial flavor, Sugar & Fat

Artificial flavor, Sugar & Fat
Artificial flavor, Sugar
Artificial flavor, Sugar & Fat
Artificial flavor, Sugar

Artificial flavor, Sugar

Artificial flavor, Sugar
Artificial flavor, Sugar, Salt & Fat

Artificial flavor, Sugar, Phosphorous

Artificial flavor, Sugar,  
Artificial flavor, Sugar, Salt & Fat
Artificial flavor, Sugar

Artificial flavor, Sugar, Salt & Fat

Artificial flavor, Sugar

Artificial flavor, Sugar, Salt & Fat
Artificial flavor, Sugar

Artificial flavor, Sugar, Salt
Artificial flavor, Sugar

I am sure you get the idea. We need to be informed and once informed, Get Up Get Moving cause.....