I am reposting this for my new readers.
Good Morning Readers, I am back writing this week after some very hectic and busy days during the holiday. I enjoyed my holiday and being able to share time with my friends and family. Actually it was primarily family this year and even better it was friendly family rather than family we are obligated to see. The only disappointment was I did not get to see my mom on Christmas day since she was not feeling well and my wife and I were hosting the holiday party. The circumstances left me no time to travel to see her until New Years.
My gift giving this year was a bit risky as I went out on the limb a little and decided to give folks what they really needed rather than stuff. So prior to the holiday I pondered how might I provide them with the opportunity to improve or maintain good health? My first thought was to provide personal training but I have daughters in New York and Texas and other family spread out across this area in such a way that it would not be possible to see each of them regularly. After sometime though providing them with simple exercise equipment for the home seemed the best idea of all. My biggest concerns were how would these types of gifts be received and how to provide instruction and motivation?
The first concern is not really something that I could control so I did not spend much time worrying about how they may receive the gift. My hope was and is that they understood healthy living is a focus of mine and although thankfully no one is in poor health each of us has room to improve and sustain the blessing of our current health status. The second concern of how to instruct them to properly use the equipment was of greater concern since many in my family have never really developed an exercise regime. However I was fortunate to find written and video media that provided instruction in Pilates, the exercise ball and yoga. I also provided mats, exercise balls, and resistance bands.
I gave these gifts to my wife and daughters, my mother and one of my sisters with the hope they will use them to improve and sustain a healthier lifestyle. My mother used to say good intentions pave the path to hell but fortunately in this situation it turned out well and all received them with thanks and appreciation. The last issue is a little more difficult though, since motivation is a perplexing and individual issue for many people. Even when we know something is best for us it can be difficult for some to get moving. As a result they never take that first step despite having all of the tools and ability to succeed.
So instead of talking about motivation and will power let’s talk about lifestyle change. So let’s discuss what that is and what it looks like when done effectively. Since we all know it will involve some type of movement or exercise I will not dwell on that one despite its importance in creating and sustaining a healthy mind and body. Instead I am talking about changing how you shop, how you cook, how you portion your meals, what you eat, and when you eat it and where you eat.
How you shop for groceries has to come first since if you are consuming bad fuel you will eventually experience poor outcomes via your physical and possibly your mental health. It will take you more time and energy initially but it is well worth the additional minutes in the grocery store to read the packaging, rather than the doctor’s office, so you know what you are consuming. A quick rule of thumb my wife and I currently utilize is this, “If it has more than 5-7 items in it we do not want it. Experiment and find healthier substitutes to use that are more natural than the processed and packaged materials with all of the additives. Consuming higher quality fuel will result in better health even before you start your exercise routines. If you do not have the poor products in your home, you and your loved ones will be far less likely to consume them in the quantities you do currently.
If you are committed and successful at changing how you shop, it will make changing how you cook a lot easier. Better fuel is the first step but you also have to be consistent and not take great fuel and turn it into a toxic item by cooking them in a manner or that adds in the toxins we all need to avoid as much as possible. So broiling or baking instead of frying; limiting the amount of added salt; utilizing olive oil instead of butter or saturated oils; eliminating can goods whenever possible; coating your chicken or fish with ground nuts rather than bread crumbs are a few suggestions off the top of my head and I currently utilize these techniques. I can honestly tell you that my wife and I cooked the entire Xmas dinner with no dairy, wheat, sugar, or frying oils. It was healthier without losing the desired flavor.
Even with high quality fuels and healthier cooking, portion size is still important. Although calories in and calories burned is not the only factor, it is still an important part of the process. Fuel consumed that is not immediately required is stored as fat so be aware that you must eat slower and allow your mind to catch up with your stomach. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your mind to signal the body that it is full. So if you are eating your meals in less than 20 minutes you are at risk for over eating. Take your time chew your food longer which will help with digestion and savor the flavor. Try some chopsticks instead of a fork and spoon and watch how much less you eat. Slowing consumption is an important step in controlling the portion you eat.
What you eat is always important but one concept people often miss is when you eat it. Breakfast should never be skipped but it is not a bagel or what society has taught us to eat. We all need to understand the influence and power of the agricultural industry. I do not remember my family eating cereal or other wheat products for breakfast until my mother went back to work and expedience became an issue.
Bacon and eggs was our staple and we may have added a piece of toast or fruit. Pancakes, donuts and other bread or wheat laden meals were a rarity and we must remember we do not have the same wheat as our parents were afforded. Genetic engineering and processing have ruined what was once a healthy product. Protein for breakfast is important for sustaining energy and will eliminate the mid morning sugar crash. It is just as important in the evening about an hour or so prior to bed for the same reasons and may help to eliminate the midnight hunt for a quick fix.
Last but not least is where do you eat? If it is fast food of any kind you are already in a hole that you soon may have a difficult time digging yourself out. There is no healthy fast food period and most of what is provided in mainstream restaurants isn’t much better. The amount of salt and butter and other less than healthy products, used in most to increase the flavor, decrease the overall value of the product. I went to have breakfast last week a local place and they used butter in everything. Needless to say I did not eat there but the key to this was I asked how they cooked their food and offered alternatives solutions but they did not have the healthier alternatives on hand.I am sure you already know my solution is to eat at home where you are able to determine the quality of the products you are consuming.
So the activity for all of us is to examine how you shop, how you cook, how you portion your meals, what you eat and when you eat it, and where you eat. It is a step by step process that will assist you in improving your health, losing the weight and reducing the number of prescriptions and doctor visits. Seems to me the convenience of fast food and poor fuel is time traded seeing doctors and filling prescriptions. This constitutes more money for less health and increased aggravation, pain and heartache. Join me and Get Up Get Moving toward and healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle and remember…………..
Multi wonderful, I wish to communicate Thank you.
Great Blog Mr. Henry. I'll be trying some of the workouts tonight! Thank You
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