If you are just getting started the exercise ball is a great and inexpensive investment in yourself. It is versatile, easy to use and easy to store. The versatile allow you to workout all of your major muscle groups going from low intensity to high intensity workouts to shape and sculpt the body you want. Like everything else it requires some hard work, commitment and discipline. You can do it and achieve your goals.
The exercise ball requires a neutral spine at all times. Maintaining the natural curve in your back is important for the majority of exercises. Practicing good posture is important since it allows your body to function with the least amount of strain on your skeletal and internal systems. Standing and sitting up straight are essential elements to maintaining and projecting good health and vitality.
- Lie down on your exercise mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Contract your abdomen tight and bring your belly button toward the floor.
- Maintain contact between your back and the floor without arching it. Relax and breathe deeply through your abdomen.
- Kneel on the mat in front of the ball with your abdomen on the ball and your hands out reaching to the floor.
- Roll forward on the ball until the ball is under your knees and supporting your weight.
- Tighten the muscles of your abdomen and buttocks without arching your spine.
- Hold this position until you feel stable.
- Sit with your buttocks at the center of the ball. Keep your back straight and feet hip width apart.
- Set your abdominal muscle by contracting them tightly and sit up straight with shoulders straight not rounded.
- Keep your head straight not back/forward or tilted to either side.
Warm Up
Reach and Squat
- Stand up with the your feet about shoulder width apart and raise the ball over your head.
- Bend your knees and lower the ball towards the floor
- Return to the starting position and repeat 15 x's = 1 set
- Do 2 sets.
Start |
Finish |
Shoulder Stretch
- Kneel in front of the ball
- Put your forearms on the ball and let your body relax downward until you feel the stretch in your shoulders.
- Hold for 8-10 seconds and return the starting position
- Do 2-3 x's.
Pectoral Stretch
- Kneel at the side of the ball with one hand on the floor and the hand of the outstretched arm on the ball.
- Gently lower your chest towards the floor until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulder.
- Hold for 8-10 seconds.
- Repeat with opposite side.
- Do 2-3 x's.
Spine Stretch
- Kneel before the ball and place your abdomen, chest and shoulders on the ball with your hands on the floor in front of you.
- Allow your body to mold around the ball and relax allowing your spine to stretch.
- Hold 8-10 seconds.
- Repeat 2-3 x's.
Hamstring Stretch
- Sit on the ball with your legs stretched out in front of you about hip width apart and your hands resting on your legs above the knees.
- Bending at the hips allow your shoulders to come forward toward the floor while keeping your back straight.
- Hold for 8-10 seconds
- Repeat 2-3 x's
The ball is recommended for improving balance and forcing your core to work harder doing the exercises and throughout the routine. Please be sure to consciously use your core muscle to stabilize you. In addition to using your core you will also being using additional muscles in your back shoulders and legs as they also work to maintain balance.
This is a good warm up routine for those working out with a ball whether in the home or at the gym. I want to repeat as I stated in earlier posting before beginning an exercise routine if you are not active please consult your physician to determine if you are capable without causing injury or worse. Once you get the okay Get Up Get Moving because...
The ball is recommended for improving balance and forcing your core to work harder doing the exercises and throughout the routine. Please be sure to consciously use your core muscle to stabilize you. In addition to using your core you will also being using additional muscles in your back shoulders and legs as they also work to maintain balance.
This is a good warm up routine for those working out with a ball whether in the home or at the gym. I want to repeat as I stated in earlier posting before beginning an exercise routine if you are not active please consult your physician to determine if you are capable without causing injury or worse. Once you get the okay Get Up Get Moving because...
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