To Build Muscle Burn Fat
So before we start, especially if you have not been very active I recommend:
1. Schedule a checkup with your doctor to make sure your physical condition will tolerate a moderate exercise routine.
2. Start drinking plenty of water daily. I recommend you do this whether or not you are beginning an exercise routine. Your body needs water to function properly and rid itself of the toxins we ingest and absorb every day. Remember if you are thirsty you are already in the first stages of dehydration.
3. Wear comfortable clothing that is loose and allows you to move easily without restrictions.
4. Warm up the muscles you will be training during your routine. This can be accomplished by walking, moving your arms in a circular motion, jumping jacks, sitting and standing repeatedly, or using a jump rope. Blood flow to the muscles is important and movement increases blood flow.
5. Stretch your muscles without straining them. Touching your toes, flexing your neck, reaching for the ceiling, bending at the waist, holding one bent leg in your hand behind you and pushing your leg against your hand, are all good ways to stretch your muscles without strain and injury. If you feel pain rather than just discomfort stop.
Gathering Your Equipment
1. You will need two equally weighted objects such as small weights, water bottles, canned goods, bricks, or anything else that you are able to hold in your hands comfortably.
2. A sturdy chair that is able to support your weight without moving or collapsing.
3. One strong bath towel
4. 2 tennis balls
5. One stretch band
6. One exercise ball
*Note these items may be easily stored without changing the dynamics of the room by hogging up much space.
Safety Tips Before We Start:
1. Breathe regularly during the exercises. Inhale prior to lifting and exhale during the resistance motion of the exercise. Simply put exhale on the way up (positive) and inhale on the way down (negative).
2. Control the weight using smooth steady slow motions rather rapidly jerking the weight up and down using gravity and momentum rather than your muscles.
3. Do not lock your joints, particularly your elbows and knees. Keep them slightly bent throughout each motion.
4. Always contract your abdomen throughout each motion in order to support your back.
5. You will fell some discomfort, (burning sensation as the muscles heat up and lactic acid increases. This is a natural byproduct of exercise. However if you feel pain stop and apply ice to the affected area.)
Strength Exercises
Ball Squeeze for Wrist and Forearm
1. Hold a tennis ball in each hand or you may do one hand at a time.
2. Slowly squeeze the tennis ball as hard as you are able and hold for 1-3 seconds
3. Slowly relax and allow your hand to open fully.
4. Exhale as you squeeze and inhale as you release.
5. Repeat 12-15 times = 1 set
6. Do 3 – 5 sets.
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Wall Push Ups (If you are not able to do floor pushups) for Chest and Triceps
1. Face a wall, while standing a little further than arms length apart and feet at shoulders width
2. Lean forward and place your palms flat against the wall at shoulder height and shoulder width apart.
3. Tighten your abdomen, slowly bend your elbows and allow your upper body to move slowly towards the wall.
4. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.
5. Slowly push yourself back to the starting position without locking your elbows and squeezing the muscles in your chest and triceps.
6. Repeat 12 -15 times = 1 set
Shoulder Press for Shoulders and Upper Back
1. Sit upright in your chair or stand with back straight, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder width apart
2. Hold your weighted item at your sides by your shoulders palms facing forward.
3. Tighten your abdomen and slowly raise both arms simultaneously over your head as far as you can go without locking your elbows.
4. Slowly lower the weight to shoulder height.
5. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.
6. Repeat 12 -15 times = 1 set
Front Lateral Raise for Shoulders and Upper Back
1. Sit upright in your chair or stand with back straight, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder width apart.
2. Hold your weighted item with palms facing back of chair with arms full extended towards the floor.
3. Tighten your abdomen, elbow slightly bent, palms facing the floor as you slowly raise your arms simultaneously to shoulder height.
4. Slowly lower the weight back towards the floor until arms are in the starting position.
5. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down
6. Repeat 12 -15 times = 1 set
7. Do 3-5 sets.
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Side Lateral Raises for Shoulders and Small Muscles in the Neck and Upper Back
1. Sit upright in your chair or stand with back straight, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder width apart.
2. Hold your weighted item with palms facing inward towards each other with arms full extended towards the floor.
3. Tighten your abdomen, elbow slightly bent, palms facing the floor as you slowly raise your arms simultaneously to shoulder height.
4. Slowly lower the weight back towards the floor until arms are in the starting position.
5. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down
6. Repeat 12 -15 times = 1 set
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Shoulder Shrug for Shoulders and Upper Back
1. Sit upright in your chair or stand with back straight, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder width apart.
2. Hold your weighted item with palms facing inward towards each other with arms full extended towards the floor.
3. Tighten your abdomen, with elbows slightly bent, raise your shoulders without bending your arms beyond the starting position as if shrugging in response to someone.
4. Slowly lower the weight back towards the floor until arms are in the starting position.
5. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down
6. Repeat 12 -15 times = 1 set
7. Do 3-5 sets.
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This is enough for one day especially if you are just getting started. I recommend using lightweight to start and increasing as you become more comfortable and the workout becomes easier. This is why using water bottles is provides more versatility. You may change the weight but increasing or decreasing the amount of water in the bottle. These 6 simple exercises will increase strength and flexibility in your upper body.
Tomorrow I will focus on the lower body with exercises that will not only increase strength but balance as well. This is extremely important as we age. If you have not remained active your balance will probably be compromised to some degree or another. Since our bones lose much of the flexibility of our youth falling frequently leads to breaking bones particularly hips. This frequently is the beginning of diminishing health as the immobility and isolation lead to more serious complications including depression.
So let’s Get Up Get Moving since……….
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