Gathering Your Equipment
1. You will need two equally weighted objects
such as small weights, water bottles, canned goods, bricks, or anything else
that you are able to hold in your hands comfortably.
2. 2 sturdy chairs that are able to support your
weight without moving or collapsing.
3. One strong bath towel
4. 2 tennis balls
5. One stretch band
6. One exercise ball
7. Pillow
*Note these items may be easily stored without changing the dynamics of the room by hogging up much space.
Strength Exercises
Bicep Curls for the front of the arm above the elbow
1. While seated in your chair, feet on the floor
and palms of hands facing forward.
2. Take your 2 equally weighted items and allow
your arms to full extend towards the floor.
3. With your elbows remaining in the same
position by your side slowly raise the weight toward your shoulder and squeeze
the bicep muscle when you can go no further.
4. Slowly lower the weight to the starting
5. Repeat 12 15 x’s = 1 set
6. Do 3-5 sets for each arm
· You may do one arm at a time alternating arms
with each repetition
Triceps Extension for back of arm above the elbow
1. Seated at the edge of the chair, lean forward
so your arms have room to move.
2. Take 1 weighted item in each hand with elbows
at the sides of your hips
3. Without moving your elbows from the hips
slowly raise the weights behind you as high as possible without locking the
elbow joint and squeeze the muscle.
4. Slowly lower the weights back towards the
5. Repeat 12 -15 x’s= 1 set
6. Do 3-5 sets
One arm bicep concentration curls
1. Seated at the edge of the chair, spread your
feet out wide and lean forward
2. Take 1 weighted item place the back of your
arm against your inner thigh and let your arm extend towards the floor without
touching it.
3. With your palm facing forward slowly raise
your arm, bending at the elbow towards your torso, and squeeze the muscle
4. Slowly lower your arm back towards the
5. Repeat 12 – 15 x’s = 1 set
6. Do 3 – 5 sets with each arm
Start |
Finish |
1. Sit firmly in your chair, feet about shoulders
width apart, and pick up one of your weighted items.
2. Lift your arm above your head and use the
opposite hand to support the weighted arm by placing it just below the crook in
your elbow.
3. Allow your arm to bend at the elbow and slowly
lower the weight towards your shoulder without touching it.
4. Slowly raise the weight back to the original
position above your head.
5. Repeat 12 – 15 x’s = 1 set
6. Do 3 – 5 sets with each arm.
Start |
Finish |
Seated bent over rows for the back
1. Sit firmly in your chair feet together and
lean forward until your chest is as close to your knees as you can and still
remain balanced.
2. Pick up your weighted item and with palms
facing behind you close to the floor.
3. Slowly raise the weight bending at the elbow
align with your shoulder until your arms reach a ninety degree angle.
4. Slowly lower the weight back towards the floor
as close as possible without touching it.
5. Repeat 12 – 15 x’s
6. Do 3 -5 sets.
Finish |
Underhand bent over seated rows for the back
1. Sit firmly in your chair feet together and
lean forward until your chest is as close to your knees as you can and still
remain balanced.
2. Pick up your weighted item and with palms
facing forward close to the floor.
3. Slowly raise the weight bending at the elbow
align with your shoulder until your arms reach a ninety degree angle.
4. Slowly lower the weight back towards the floor
as close as possible without touching it.
5. Repeat 12 – 15 x’s = 1 set
6. Do 3 – 5 sets.
Start |
Finish |
Here is another great muscle building, fat burning workout for you when you can get to the gym. Like the others it is inexpensive and easy to follow. I hope you do it and enjoy on those days you are stuck in the house or traveling from one hotel to another.
Get Up Get Moving cause…….
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