At Home
Strength and Balance (You may add ankle or hand weights for desired resistance depending on the motion)
Leg Curl for Hamstring and Gluteus
1. Stand behind your chair with your feet shoulder width apart, and an arm’s length from the chair.
2. Tighten your abdomen and with one hand take a firm grip of the chair to balance your weight.
3. Slowly raise the heel of the opposite leg while allowing the knee to bend, towards the bottom of your back as high as possible.
4. Lower your leg slowly to the floor
5. Repeat 12-15 = 1 set
6. Do the opposite leg
7. Do 3 -5 sets
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Back Leg Raises for Hips and Gluteus
1. Stand behind your chair with your feet shoulder width apart, and an arm’s length from the chair.
2. Tighten your abdomen and with one hand take a firm grip of the chair to balance your weight.
3. Slowly raise the heel of the opposite leg without allowing the knee to bend, towards the bottom of your back as high as possible.
4. Lower your leg slowly to the floor
5. Repeat 12-15 = 1 set
6. Do the opposite leg
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7. Do 3 -5 sets for each leg
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Side Leg Raises
1. Stand behind your chair with your feet shoulder width apart, and an arm’s length from the chair.
2. Tighten your abdomen and with one hand take a firm grip of the chair to balance your weight.
3. Slowly raise the heel of the opposite leg without allowing the knee to bend, away from your body as high as possible
4. Lower your leg slowly to the floor
5. Repeat 12-15 = 1 set
6. Do the opposite leg
7. Do 3 -5 sets for each leg
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Calf Raises for the Calf
1. Stand behind your chair with your feet shoulder width apart, and an arm’s length from the chair.
2. Tighten your abdomen and with one hand take a firm grip of the chair to balance your weight.
3. Slowly raise the heels of your feet off of the floor as high as possible
4. Lower your heels slowly to the floor
5. Repeat 12-15 = 1 set
6. Do the opposite leg
7. Do 3 -5 sets
Note: Once you feel more confident you may do this one leg at a time, and/or without holding on and eventually holding weights.
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1. Stand behind your chair facing the side of the chair with your feet about a foot apart.
2. Tighten your abdomen and take firm grip with the hand closes to the chair for balance.
3. Take a step forward and lower the knee closest to the chair down towards the pillow as far as you are able to go.
4. Maintaining your grip on your chair rise back to a standing position.
5. Repeat 12 – 15 = 1 set
6. Do 3 -5 sets for each leg.
Note: Once you feel more confident you may do this one leg at a time, and/or without holding on and eventually holding weights
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Squats for Hamstring, Gluteus, Quadriceps, Hips
1. Place your chairs in line facing forward so that when sitting in back chair you are able to reach the back of the forward chair without leaning forward.
2. Stand between the 2 chairs with 2 hands on the back of the chair in front.
3. Bend your legs at the knees and slow lower to a seated position on the edge of the chair behind you.
4. Slowly rise to a standing position.
5. Repeat 12 -15 = 1 set
6. Do 3 -5 sets.
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Leg Raises for the Quadriceps
1. Sit in your chair facing forward and holding on to the sides of the seat for balance.
2. Slowly raise one leg up as high as possible without locking the knee
3. Slowly lower your foot almost to the floor without touching it.
4. Repeat 12 -15 = 1 set
5. Do 3 -5 sets for each leg.
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These exercises are an excellent start if you are not ready for the gym or do not want to join one. You may exercise in the comfort of your home building muscle and increasing your balance and stamina. Follow the recommended starting tips already published. So Get Up Get Moving cause...
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