A Visual Essay.
So I took another walk on Wednesday, this time heading north of my home for 5 blocks. As I walked below is what I saw. I was consciously careful to get as few pictures of people that were identifiable. My focus is on motivating not denigrating anyone. I am here to support guide motivate and celebrate when you are successful. So I focused on the perpetrators of the evil rather than victims and by doing so I hope to raise a conversation we all need to have.
What is in your neighborhood and what is the overall impact. You may have these industries and believe they have a positive economic impact but do they really? What is the cost in terms of health? How much are we spending to maintain an appearance of health and wealth rather than being well? Are you really well as you drive up in your Lexus or Navigator looking good waiting for your prescriptions? The cost of poor health monetarily is astronomical but what about the intrinsic cost of declining health in this nation?
Depression, anxiety, and mental health are also related to poor physical health. And as our elderly population suffer with many forms of dementia and studies show we are spending more on that than cancer and heart issues we need to speak up and act out. I know you nor I know what to do as an individual so what I am suggesting is that we begin to have a conversation about health and wellness that becomes a movement for positive deliberate change. Anyone wish to join me? If you do you know where to find me.
Get Up Get Moving, Get Someone Else Up as well cause.....
Only person exercising in 2 hour walk thru neighborhood |
the next six pics are all on the same intersection
One natural health establishment
Coming from Rita's
One Gym at back of Mall
Speaks for itself
Went in here not much fresh fruit. Hope they are a start of something
And this is where it Ends!!!!!!!!
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