We Eat?
I have heard many time you
are what you eat. Well there is growing proof that the fuels we consume affect
us more than physically and emotionally but behaviorally as well. Growing
evidence indicates that we begin absorb the negative or positive energy of
food. If so does the poor quality foods consumed in our lower economic
neighborhoods impact the behavior we see in these areas? We find more violence,
crime and aggressive behaviors in many low income neighborhoods. Sociologist
and counselors will tell us it is the bad environment, bad parenting, and
social influences.
What if the poor fuel we
consume on a regular basis is a major contributor as well. What implications
will this have on policy and planning for our legislators? More research is
required before we can make this leap but I certainly think it needs to be
considered as well. We do know that there is a link between food and mood. I
also think it is safe to say people in a bad mood are more aggressive.
Research into this will
probably not happen but pay attention to how you feel when you eat poorly and
how it affects your mood and subsequently your close relationships. The food
industry certainly will not fund such a study and the people who are supposed
to protect us are corrupted by the money and influence of the lobbyist. So it
is up to us to determine what fuel is best for us by paying attention and
figuring it out on our own. Read below and see what you think….
As you increase awareness
about the foods you consume, consider that each food has its own unique energy,
beyond vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. When we eat, we assimilate
not only the nutrients, but also the energy of the food. Food has distinct
qualities and energetic properties, depending on where, when and how it grows,
as well as how it is prepared.
By understanding the energy
of food, we can choose meals that will create the energy we are seeking in our
lives. Virtually no one in the field of health and nutrition speaks about the
concept of food having energy, but if you stop and think about it, it
intuitively makes sense. Vegetables have a lighter energy than proteins. Animal
meat from tortured animals has different energy than
meat from animals that lived a peaceful existence.
If you practice yoga or have
been to India, you may have heard the word prana, a Sanskrit word simply
translated as “energy.” This word is just one way to describe the vital
life-force energy that exists around us and inside of us. Energy comes from the
universe, from air and from food. Yogis believe that certain foods, such as
fresh produce, have a greater amount of energy than foods that are heavily
processed or that have been reused a day or two later.
It makes sense: when you eat
foods with more energy, you will have more energy. Steve Gagné, author of
Energetics of Food: Encounters with Your Most Intimate Relationships, says that
all food has an essential character. He analyzes where foods come from to help
identify their essence. Plants sprout from a seed; some animals are hatched
from eggs, while others are birthed by their mothers and nurtured through
Regarding plant food,
consider where, when and in what direction it grows. Greens, such as kale, collards
and bok choy, reach up toward the sun, soaking up the chlorophyll. Eating foods
that are rich in chlorophyll provides our blood with oxygen. For this reason,
greens are powerful mood enhancers, lifting the spirit. Squash and gourds grow
level with the ground and help balance moods and energy levels. Root
vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, beets and burdock, grow into the ground
and absorb the nutrients from the soil in which they grow. Therefore, they have
a strong downward energy and are great for grounding us when we feel over
In contrast to these
vegetables, think for a moment on the character of a donut. It starts with
dough, made of wheat and sugar; then it’s deep fried, probably in a
less-than-desirable oil. Often it’s filled with jam, cream or custard, or topped
with a sweet glaze of icing. What kind of energy do you imagine you get from
this donut? How would that differ from the energy you get
from eating organic roasted root vegetables?
As you cultivate awareness
around the energy of your food, and how it is passed onto you, you will begin
to make greater strides in recognizing your own mind-body connection.
So give it some thought the next time you want to shove some junk in your mouth. Do you want to become that item you are eating? Do you want that negative energy in your life only to be shared with your loved ones. You do so much to protect them and maybe you are being sabotaged by the nutritional choices you are making. The physical outcomes are bad enough. Do you really want to risk your mental health and relationships as well
from 'Integrative Nutrition'
Get Up Get Moving and Go Get Good Fuel and remember
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