It is easy to use for stretching
and it will support and cushion your body. It will certainly help to increase
your flexibility, strength and endurance. You will tone muscles and improve
your functionality. Initially it will challenge your body to improve alignment
and balance via strengthening your stabilizing muscle. You may target your
abdominal and lower back muscles thus stabilizing your spine.
Let’s look at some simple yet effective exercises you may do with an exercise ball.
Warm up
While sitting on top of the ball relax your arms
on your thighs. Place your thighs approximately 90 degrees to you lower legs.
Place your feet firmly on the floor and begin to shift your weight up and down,
bouncing gently on the ball. Do this for 60 seconds or more if you are seeking
an aerobic workout.
8-12 reps
Leg curls:
Lay on
the floor with your legs out stretched and your feet and calves on the ball.
Place your hands on the floor next to your body.
With your heels press down firmly into the ball.
Bend your knees and roll the ball in towards your until your feet are flat on
the ball.
8-12 reps
Outer Thighs:
Laying sideways place your body sideways on the
ball. Extend your leg out to the side with your foot on the floor.
Balance your body with both hands on the front
of the ball and your lower leg bent on the floor.
Lift your top leg until it is parallel to the
floor. Hold and return to start
Do not let your hips roll and keep your lower
leg bent.
8-12 reps
Lay on the floor on your side, lower you arm
under your head using your upper arm for stability.
Bend your lower leg 90 degrees and extend your
upper leg with your ankle resting on the ball.
Begin lifting your lower leg off the floor s few
inches touching the upper leg if you are able. Hold and lower to the floor.
Keep your hips exactly over each and do not roll
forward or back.
8=12 reps
Thigh 2:
Lay on your back on the floor grab the middle of
the ball in between your bent knees.
Place your feet flat on the floor with your arms
extended by your side palms down.
Squeeze the ball between your knees.
8-12 reps
Stand and press the ball between the wall and
your lower back. Bring your feet out about 2 steps and place them firmly on the
floor at shoulder width.
Bring your arms forward for balance. Bend your
knees and squat allowing the ball to roll up your back. Hold when your thighs
are parallel to the floor and return to start.
Keep your knees over your heels
8-12 reps
Heel Raises:
Sit on top of the ball with your feet on the
floor should width apart.
Lean you torso forward with your elbows on your
knees and lift your ankles while lifting your heel as high as you can. Hold and
Keep your weight forward and evenly spread
across the balls of your feet.
8-12 reps
Lie on the ball resting your waist and back on
the ball.
Place your hands on your thighs keeping your
feet flat on the floor at shoulder width apart.
Lifting your pelvis raise your hips a few inches
then lower your back to the start.
Use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips.
8-12 reps
Leg Raises:
Begin with your hips waist and chest on the
Extend your left hand and right leg at the same
Repeat and alternate starting sides.
Do not arch your back and keep your head still.
8-12 reps
Lay on the floor on your back, arms by your
side, with your knees bent and on top of the ball.
Lift your hips off the floor until your back is
straight. Hold and return to the start.
Do not arch your back and use your arms to aid
your balance.
8-12 reps
These are really effective
exercises and they can be done at home. No packing a bag and ducking the rain
if you do not want. You need very little space to these and the ball can be
stored out of the way.
Sp try these let me know how they
work for you. Get Up Get Moving Get Well and remember,
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