I have heard from many people who are considering taking steps to adjust their lifestyle to a healthier way of living through their diet. They refer to several barriers but there are 2 I hear more often than any other and they are both legitimate barriers. As a result of these perceived obstacle many will never start a program and others frequently start and stop frequently as they keep trying rather than doing. So let us take a look.
The one they express the most is that it is too expensive. Organic food cost too much is the perception that most people have and there are cases where they are correct. For those people living in areas devoid of fresh produce within walking distance, I empathize with your plight. It is hard to eat healthy in areas with no sources of fresh foods. For those of you who do have access it is a choice. It is a financial choice you are making to save money up front that will cost you and your family dearly on the back end.
Let me explain further. You have worked hard to live in a nice home, drive a nice car, wear nice clothes and shoes, paint your nails, get your hair did, and sport some bling, bling, but you continue to neglect your physical health. It does not make sense to drive wear and reside in the best you can afford for things you can replace and yet neglect the one thing your health that allows you the opportunity to earn the things you want.
It is the same choice I often discussed with my daughters. You must learn to discern, "what you need versus what you want." For the spiritual and God fearing readers, remember, "Your body is a Temple." Would you through garbage into your place of worship? I doubt you'd be that disrespectful to anyone but yourself. The question you need to ask yourself is why am I respecting others more than I respect myself.
The second barrier people imagine is that eating healthy has to lack flavor and cannot be enjoyable. Well, I can attest to the fact that this is not accurate. Eating healthy simply means preparing your own food in a manner that suits your taste and palate. Replacing sugars with other nutritious and delicious ingredients ist easier than you think. The problem is the foods you are eating now are purposely made to be addictive and like any addiction it takes effort to release yourself from its grasp.
If you are eating foods with artificial flavors that are are being developed to create an addiction to the product. Click the following link and pay attention closely from the 3 minute mark of the video to 3:30
Now watch this next video to learn where they find the chemicals they use to create some of these flavors.
Here is a real visual.
Artificial flavoring is a warning sign for me not to eat these products. They are allowed to call them natural because they create the flavors by mimicking things from nature. It is not because these products are natural and certainly not because they are good for you. We equate natural with being good for us but as I am demonstrating here that is not necessarily so.
Okay I am finished for today and I hope I have helped to enlighten you as well as make your path to a healthier life a little less bumpy. Living well is a lifestyle and requires good habits consistent with your goals and it begins with what you eat. We want you to Get UP and Get Moving as well but keep in mind you can not out maneuver bad eating habits.
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