Thursday, March 21, 2013


How Fit Can You Get

Invest in Yourself

I have not written for awhile because of FEAR. I have put more energy, over the last 8 weeks, applying for jobs rather than developing my dream to own and operate my own business. I have been on several interviews and spent hours online looking for openings, filling out applications, and hoping for a positive response from the agencies or organizations. I invested a great deal of time, energy and travel trying find work rather than working to create a business plan, gathering my credentials and marketing my services. As a result I have made no progress because I did not invest my time energy and money in me.

I have to say I am inspired by my daughters who are taking risks and making progress moving ever closer to their dreams. The oldest, Celestine moved to New York soon after graduation without a job banking on her skills and talent as she worked to create the career she wants. Last week she called to tell me she is now a regular dancer on Boardwalk Empire and may have a speaking role soon. My second daughter, Antoinette, stayed in New York after graduation, and is the main character in an off Broadway play. She is a tremendous vocalist but frequently under estimates her skills and for some time sought the safer path of traditional employment. However with some encouragement from family and friends she is now relying on her talent. Last week she informed me that she will be singing at the Apollo in August 2013. My third daughter, Dionnea has overcome tremendous barriers and she also is relying on her skills and is creating her own business doing hair. Although they have not yet achieved the success they desire they are well on their way because they are investing in themselves.

Inspired by their willingness to take risks, work hard and make progress toward their desired vocation, I am now doing the same. I had to ask myself, “Are your actions consistent with what you say you want?” The answer is no they were not. It is not my dream to make someone else’s dream come true. As I listened to their excitement and pride in their accomplishments I was reminded of what I always told them, “For each step you take towards your dream; your dream will take multiple steps towards you.” In the last 48 hours I have taken several steps towards mine by investing time, energy and money in me. Stepping out on faith is difficult and despite having done so successfully before I have found it especially difficult to do so on this occasion.

I have been here once before as I transitioned from being part of a married couple raising children to becoming a single custodial parent. The transition was scary but because I really had no other choice I rose from the ashes of my own hurt and despair to provide the guidance, protection and provisions required to successfully raise my progeny. I had help but I was the primary and with God’s blessing we reached and surpassed the goals we set. And now I must rely on the lessons learned during that chapter of my life to create what I want in my life and not settle for something safe and unfulfilling.

When I started down this path I understood the hard work it would take to become successful. However what I did not anticipate was the commitment to self and investment in self required to overcome the barriers and pitfalls involved in building something out of nothing. During my career with the City I have on several occasions built vehicles for others to become successful that continue to exist, thrive and grow. I invested my skill, time, and conviction in others and it worked well. This time I will invest my time, skills, experience and conviction in me to create a vehicle for my success.

These lessons will not be lost on me as I work with others to support and motivate them to improve their health and learn to live well. Being able to tap into the fear I am feeling even now to understand and empathize with them when they appear unmotivated or resistant, knowing it is probably fear that is preventing them from moving forward. I have done it before and will do it again only this time I believe I am worth the same level of investment as I have provided for others. Inspired by my daughters as they feel their fear yet do it anyway I am going to Get UP and Get Moving while remembering…………..


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