AUG 18, 2012
Daniel Green, a student at Cornell, asked whether I intended to write about
Paul Ryan’s views on food politics. He volunteered to put something
together with his colleague, Dr. Margaret Yufera-Leitch. Here
are their thoughts:
Few Americans had heard of Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin)
until last week when he was announced as Presidential-hopeful Mitt Romney’s
November running mate. A Janesville, Wisconsin native, former personal trainer
and Oscar Mayer Weinermobile driver during his college days, Ryan is a strong
advocate on the Hill for the P90x exercise routine and avoids
eating fried foods and desserts (yes, even on the campaign trail).
But how do Mr. Ryan’s personal beliefs impact
his voting on food politics related matters?
Obesity prevention
In the case of obesity, prevention has been
shown repeatedly to be the best medicine. Of the $2.6 trillion spent on US
health care in 2010, 95% went for disease treatment leaving only $421 per
American per year for prevention—not even enough money for a 1-year gym
membership in most states.
In an interview with Politico, Mr. Ryan admitted
to maintaining 6-8% body fat with a healthy BMI of 21, admirable for any
working professional. But Mr. Ryan, who has voted
against every Affordable Care Act related bill, takes the stance that what you
eat and what you weigh are both matters of personal responsibility.
In 2005, he
voted for H.R. 554 “The Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act” also
known as the cheeseburger bill, which aimed to ‘prohibit weight gain-related or
obesity-related lawsuits from being brought in federal or state courts against
the food industry.’ The bill was passed by the House but failed to even go up
for vote in the Senate. The legislation was featured in the 2004 Morgan
Spurlock documentary Super Size Me, where Marion Nestle also made
her on-screen debut.
According to a recent report by the Bipartisan
Policy Center, by 2020 Obesity will cost America $4.6 trillion dollars annually
and healthcare costs related to obesity will consume 19.8% of U.S. GDP. The
sudden rise of obesity is a clear sign that, as a country, we have fostered an
obesogenic environment that will require commitments from both the public and
private sectors to reform.
Given that 70% of Americans are overweight and
obese, we have collectively demonstrated that public service announcements
alone have not yet resulted in the significant population-wide behavior changes
needed to reverse obesity and more importantly alleviate a strained U.S. Health
Care system.
SNAP Benefits
One of the most important programs available to
lower income Americans is the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program
(SNAP), commonly referred to as Food Stamps, which provides access to fresh
foods for low-income families. Given that increased fruit and vegetable
consumption are cornerstone habits of the Preventative Medicine conversation,
why has Mr. Ryan argued to cut SNAP by $33 billion over the next ten years?
Affordable Care Act
Paul Ryan’s choices to repeal $6.2 trillion dollars
of support from the Affordable Care Act and obesity-related provisions,
demonstrates a lesser degree of support for preventative care than his widely
publicized exercise regime suggests. Perhaps with unemployment still high
and unsure economy, America has bigger fish to fry than fixing the food system
and reversing obesity but at least for now, Paul Ryan will take his fish
Paul Ryan Food
Politics Fact Sheet
Favorite Exercise Program:
21 (Healthy)
Dietary Restrictions:
Doesn’t eat desserts or fried
View on cause of Obesity
Personal Responsibility
Country of Origin Labeling (COOL)
Farm Bill
Food Safety Modernization Act
Healthcare Reform (Affordable Care
Strongly against
Menu Labeling
No direct comment- but against
Obamacare which includes it
Repealing the Prevention and
Public Health Fund
School Lunch Reform and Child
Nutrition Reauthorization
Soda Taxes
No direct comment
So there you have it, hypocrisy and a lack of concern for the 47%. These folks have more gall than most drug addicts. They eat and live well but do not and will not promote the same for you and I. There seems to be a conspiracy to make us sick via; contaminating our fuel sources with genetically engineered products; lying to us with negotiated truths; providing the instant gratification of pharmaceuticals rather than fruits, whole grains and veggies. I know most of you have probably already made up you minds about the election and the politics of food has no traction so this is non political FYI.
The more you learn the better chance you have to succeed. Hopefully you use the information to improve your health and wellness via exercise and better fuel choices. The fact that the elite are eating different than what they are recommending or legislating for the masses is incredibly revealing. Give it some thought, "Can you trust some one who creates laws that allow you to slowly kill yourself?"
I have to give it to Paul Ryan, he is fit as a fiddle. Kudos to him for his hard work and that six pack. Use him as an example and follow his lead regarding health and wellness. Clearly he, Gets Up, Gets Moving and is well. His food politics not withstanding, his wellness is something to emulate and duplicate for yourself. So Get Up Get Moving and remember,

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