Habits as defined by Webster are, “an action or pattern of
behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody,
although he or she may be unaware of it.” Addiction as defined by Webster is,
“a state of physiological or psychological dependence on a drug.” Smoking is
both and I am no longer defined by either. I have Quit Smoking.
Aside from the biological repercussions, it is a filthy
habit that stains my fingers, teeth and even the walls, floors and windows of
my home. When I was smoking, I often had to clean the inside windows of my
truck because of the yellow film left from the cigarette smoking. I have also burned
holes in my clothes, rugs and sometimes the furniture by accident while smoking
Presently I am entering my third week of non smoking after
approximately 38 years of smoking Newport box. Yes this is the brand of choice
for the smokers in my community. It cost me 7 dollars a day for 38 years. I am
betting you are doing the math even as you read this. Skip that step, here is
the math. Based on an average cost over the years of $5.00 a pack, the cost in
money is approximately, $70,000.00 up in smoke. I know I wish I had that money
in the bank right now.
This is not easy but it is also not as hard as I thought. I
am using the Nicotine Replacement Patch which helps with the addiction to the
nicotine but not the situational addiction. It also does not assist with the
muscle memory. If you smoke or used to smoke, you know what I mean. Hand to
ashtray, hand to mouth, and having something in your hand are all a part of the
addiction. So it is more than the biological addiction that I have to beat. I
need to find a way to change what I believe about cigarettes and the role they
play in my life.
My experience with changing significant habitual behaviors
requires a great deal of will power but I am learning it is more than just will
power that will help me. In order to really change this behavior I will need to
change my belief system and yes like most of us, intellectually I know the
health risk, monetary cost and ancillary damage it does. Hell, I knew that
every time I lit and smoked a cigarette. If my behavior is going to truly
change and stay changed I must reassign and reassemble my beliefs as it
concerns cigarettes.
The truth is that if my belief system remains the same I
will smoke again the minute I am stressed or I permit myself to fail. Yes we do
give ourselves permission to fail. We do it through rationalizations and
mistruths. We fool ourselves into believing we are doing what is required when
we are not doing what is required to create change in our lives. As a result we
fail and it stretches across various areas of our lives because the internal
mechanisms we utilize to deceive ourselves and others are hard wired and not
easily shut off or removed.
My mother often likes to share the story of my father buying
me electrician’s tools when I was very young. One the tools was a pair of wire
cutters. She tells me that I cut up all of her blinds with this tool. My
response is, “I was given a cutting tool with nothing to cut.” Well it is
similar with our tools of self deception; if we have them we will use them.
However becoming consciously aware that we are deceiving ourselves will
increase our ability to overcome and be successful at whatever change we are
attempting to create in our lives. Difficult as it may be, I am working hard to
follow my own advice about health and wellness that I promote to others on a
daily basis.
The pundits say the ingredients in cigarettes are some of
the most addictive substances that exist on the planet. That may be the case
but I am certain I have the right stuff to step away and leave this
debilitating habit behind me. I am dropping the baggage to improve my life and
fatten my pockets a little.
To tell the truth, my body is craving a cigarette right now
but my mind is resisting the urge. I hope you will join me in changing one
thing in your life that will improve your health and wellness. Start small, add
one or remove one small behavior that will increase your ability to be well and
stay well. You can start by Getting Up, Get Moving, and Get Well….. Challenge the
Status Quo
Remember, “CHIT CHAT
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