Exercise has been proven to play a crucial role in maintaining quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease.
Strength training, stretching, range-of-motion exercises, and other forms of physical activity can all help a Parkinson's patient maintain mobility, dexterity, and balance.
And exercise plays a
role in helping patients to stay in a positive and happy frame of mind —
especially since depression
is a common issue for Parkinson’s disease patients.
Parkinson’s Disease:
Research on Benefits of Exercise
Before there was
medication to treat
Parkinson’s disease,
there was exercise — doctors used motion therapy and physical activity to help
patients manage their symptoms.
Recent research has
shown that Parkinson's patients who exercise regularly often see an improvement
in balance and posture and have an easier time managing daily activities. In
animal models, researchers showed that exercise can restore function lost to
the disease.
Parkinson’s Disease:
Developing an Exercise Program
A person with
Parkinson's disease should enter into an exercise plan with the help of a
physical therapist. By evaluating your particular needs, these professionals
can craft a plan that is both safe and effective. The exercise program they
develop might focus on:
Joint or muscle pain
that interferes with your daily life
Problems with mobility
or walking
Difficulties with
Issues involving daily
chores such as eating, dressing, bathing, and handwriting
A physical therapist
also can teach your caregiver how your body functions and give him tips about
how to assist
you with in-home exercises and daily tasks.
Parkinson's Disease:
Doctors have figured
out that certain types of exercise can have a positive impact on people with
Parkinson's disease. These include:
Stretching. Simple stretches can help keep your body
limber and mobile. They can also be performed just about anywhere, even in bed.
Be sure to stretch throughout the day, whenever you have down time. Perform
each exercise three times, holding the stretch for three to five full breaths.
training. Strengthening your
muscles can help you stand straighter and improve your day-to-day coordination.
These exercises also help make bones stronger and more resistant to fracture in
case of a fall. Research has found that high-intensity strength training can
build muscle mass in Parkinson's disease patients and improve their walking
speed, ability to climb stairs, and overall balance. You can perform strength
training exercises at home with light weights or even use your own body weight
for resistance. Strength training with heavier weights should be done in the
presence of a trainer
or physical therapist.
conditioning. These exercises help
Parkinson's patients to maintain overall health by strengthening the heart and
lungs and improving stamina and endurance. Walking, biking, dancing, and
swimming are all examples of aerobic exercise. Your goal should be to complete
at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week. Just be sure to
talk with your doctor before embarking on a new aerobic exercise program.
exercise. Exercises performed in
a warm pool can be extremely beneficial for Parkinson's disease patients. The
water's buoyancy provides support to weak muscles, improving posture and
balance, and allowing you to move freely without the risk of falling. The water
also offers multidirectional resistance that can provide strength and endurance
training even with gentle movements. Researchers have found that aquatic
exercise can promote better range of motion, improvement in muscle tone, and a
reduction in stiffness and pain.
For many people living
with Parkinson's, exercise can prevent the loss of independence that comes with
progressive mobility problems. Parkinson's disease doesn't have to leave you
feeling confined and unable to enjoy daily activities; adopting an activity
program is a great way to restore strength to your muscles, and it's something
you can start today.
Exercise clearly impacts Parkinson's disease so that people with this condition experience a better quality of life. So let's get moving and get our older adults moving with us. Caretakers and patients together improving and enjoying their lives together.
So let's Get Up Get Moving and remember,
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