Since I’ve begun writing my
blog on a daily basis I seem to pay more attention to the information being
offered about wellness and fitness. Earlier today, my wife and I watch a
commercial that promised to burn belly fat without changing your lifestyle. In fact
that was the primary selling point; get great benefits from doing nothing. You
slather on the thermogenic cream and put on what looks like a girdle over your
belly and hips. Leave it on for ten minutes and you lose belly fat.
Come on folks, has anyone
really spent money on that?
I assume they have sold
quite a few since the commercial was on during the day and not in the middle of
the night. In this economy, people are spending money on weight loss products
like never before. With the perception of less resources people are spending more
of their money on things associated with weight loss and for medical conditions
related to weight gain than ever before in our history. We may conclude 3
things from these factors.
The first is people are desperate for a cure
to the obesity disease that has overwhelmed our selves, families and
communities. “Taste great and gain weight” seems to be the trend. The problem
is we have been taught to request and wait for a magic bullet or the Holy Grail
to health and weight loss. We have been conditioned to seek an easier solution.
Truth be told, we have all benefited from advances in science and technology and
the world has made great strides when it comes to developing some magic
bullets, like the cell phone, remote control, and even automatic windows in our
However there is also a down
side to this as well. I frequently wonder what would happen if someone pulled
the plug. I mean literally pulled the plug and the water, gas, and electric
went down. As a society, we have become so conditioned to rely on gadgets and
technology to do the job for us that I wonder if we would even have a clue how
to turn on the television without a remote control in one hand and a bowl of
potato chips in the other.
The honest truth is: There
is no magic bullet for getting well and staying well. It is plain and simple. You must Get Up & Get
Moving to get well and stay well. No one can do it for you since your formula
and execution will be unique. What you need is real information and motivation.
The second factor is that
there is a lot of bad information and bad products that claim to be good for
you. No wonder people are confused and you are probably thinking the same thing
my wife asked, “How can they lie like that and shouldn’t our government protect
us from this stuff.” Isn’t this the same government that told us, certain
classes of people were not human; there was a lone assassin that killed MLK and
JFK; Hussein had WMD’s. I am just saying folks, let’s keep it real, we know
they lie to us everyday and yet we still expect to hear the truth.
How many times will we pull
that finger and get the same result. I always told my kids to pay attention and
they would be fine. Now I am saying it in full voice to you. Pay attention to what you are eating and how
you feel. Pay attention to the medications you are taking and how you feel.
Your body will not lie to you. Believing for one second that you can change any
part of your life without doing anything different is foolish and detrimental
to your health. Anybody who is trying to sell you the easy way out is dishonest
and probably a crook. Pay attention and seek good information by looking at the
real outcomes. When it comes to fitness and health, if it is easy it is
probably false.
The third thing that came to
mind is I have been blessed to be raised by parents and a community that valued
hard work, support, and education. I have been fortunate to be exposed to men
who worked hard every day and came home to their families to provide sustenance
and protection. This has made me value hard work and, enjoy the fruits of my
labor with a sense of pride, knowing that I put in the work to create the life
I want.
The challenges that I face have become my motivation. I hope to pay it
forward to you. We all need motivation because the road may seem long. Stop
concerning yourself with the length of the journey and think about what a story
you will have to tell. I want to hear it and I am sure others do as well.
“ We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.”
—Marianne Williamson
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.”
—Marianne Williamson
you be the one to step up and lead your family, community and friends to a
healthier lifestyle? Will you work at it with me? I am inviting you to join me
in creating a healthier world for yourself and those you love nearly and
dearly. Is your spiritual community healthy? Get something started wherever you
go. I want you to be the one to Get Up Get Moving and Get Folks to go with you
on this journey to better living.

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