So needless to say stepping out of your comfort zone can be embarrassing and humiliating at times. As a result many do not do it and find themselves living in quiet desperation as their desire to be comfortable is in conflict with their desire to be more than they currently are. It is no different at the gym, if you are to progress you must step out of your comfort zone whatever that is and do new things. Whatever your comfort zone is step away of faith and know that you will be safe. My comfort zone in the gym is two fold, leave me alone since, "Chit Chat Won't Burn Fat" and trusting some one to spot me when I move up to the heavy weight is not my strength. As a result it has slowed my gains to a glacier like pace. Realizing this, was the first step but it was important for me begin actively interacting with other gym members. It was not easy but I did it and the benefits are remarkable as these folks are actively rooting for me each time I add more weight. I am still not comfortable with many stopping to watch but it is what it is. It seems they want to be part of my success and share in it with me. This is not something I ever did before except with a very select crew and it actually feels better. I am making new friends and companions in the gym and enjoying their conversation and sharing of knowledge. Beyond the tremendous gains in strength I am growing in other ways as well.
However this is about training and fitness so lets stay on topic. I have started doing negatives again and the benefits are obvious. Since everyone is not a gym rat and may not know what negatives are I will explain. for those of you that know go do a few and watch the leaps in strength and endurance. Negatives are when you put more weight than your maximum lift on any given motion and as you do the positive part of the motion your partner takes most of the weight until you begin the negative portion and they will let you manage on your own while making sure you are safe. So for the bench press, your partner will help you lift it off the rack and you take it down. As soon as it touches your chest they will pull it off and you take it back down. I do 4-5 reps like this for chest only now once a week but they are helpful on any motion and blasting past your maximum lift. So you may do these when you identify and gain the cooperation of a competent partner, who also has the strength to get the weight up or down whatever the case may be. It provides similar benefits as forced repetitions.(continuing to lift with help once the muscle is already fatigued) It is not recommended that you do these more than once a week or so and it is best to do them once you have plateaued and are no longer making progress.
In addition, to a change in attitude and actively engaging people I also decided to return to a supplement I took when I was at my best. I stopped taking it once my kids began college as it is some what expensive at $80-$90 a pop for 120 pills. My dose is 6 2x's per day so we are talking only 20 doses.I take it 30 minutes before eating as I leave for the gym, so this a protein smoothee and I take it again 30 minutes before I eat lunch. The results in terms of gains in lifting as well as fitness I will let you be the judge as I will include some more recent stats. Please note I have just finished my first bottle and opened the second. The name is NO2 which is a hemodilator which causes your blood vessel's vacant areas to fill with blood and thus allow better absorption and utilization of the nutrients/fuel/food. I will attach a link below that will provide some additional technical information as well as reviews from folks using it.
As a result, my recovery is simpler, faster and easier. My muscles feel pumped all day long and I have gained 5 lbs. with my clothes continuing to become looser around the waist and tighter in the shoulders, arms, neck and chest. There are no unwanted side effects for me and I am experiencing so unknown but wanted side effects as the increased blood flow helps all over, lol.
So my point is step out of your comfort zone, whatever you are doing in whatever aspect of your life, know that it will expand and improve as you get beyond YOU. Get out of your own way and get the help you need to "Become" and keep "becoming". Feel the discomfort and do it anyway as long as it is positive. If you are talking too much stop, if too little start a conversation. Do something different, if not for you than for the rest of us so that you may inspire us to be great as well and we get to know you as something more enhanced and liberated from your fears.
Peace out and remember, "Chit Chat Won't burn Fat".
Results Sampling
Before NO2 and Negatives After NO2 and Negatives
flat bench max bb 315 lbs 345 lbs.
incline bench bb 225 275
1 arm curl db 55 70
triceps kickback db 60 75
leg press 405 675
shoulder press db 225 315
You be the judge! I will respond to all questions and comments. See you in some gym soon.
How Did You Get Started?
Fitness and exercise have always been a part of my life. I was a dancer/cheerleader since I was six years old. Exercise was a daily ritual. I can remember being six years old and going with my mom to the local community center to do aerobics. I would be the only child in the group of thirty year old ladies doing Jane Fonda Aerobics. How fun!!
That was the beginning of loving fitness. However, I started lifting seriously within the last 18 months due to the fact that I let myself go and I was starting to develop some health issues. I've worked in the health industry for the last twelve years and I would catch myself educating clients on how to maintain and live a healthy lifestyle but I wasn't following any of my own advice.
So I decided it was time to get back into the gym and get healthy. So I did! I work out four times a week, eat healthy, spend time with my family and keep my stress level low! And I couldn't be HAPPIER!
What Workout Plan Worked Best For You?
I train 4 days on 3 days off to recover. I train hard on the days I am in the gym and chill on the others. But even on chill days I still do abs and stretching. Always a must!
Day 1: Legs/Abs
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