I hesitated to write about the Donald Sterling remarks and the amazing outcry that has erupted due to his racist remarks. I am not going to say alleged here because he has not denied making the remarks and we all know that if he did not say it the denial would have been the first response. Personally I find his remarks to be offensive and it doesn't surprise me since he has a history of discriminating against minorities unless they are Korean. His words not mine, do the research. Anyone connected to the NBA had to know yet nothing was done. So why now. Well it could have an impact on their brand to have a known racist as the leader of one of their teams. So this is why do we have the reaction now.
My immediate personal reaction was disgust not outrage since I have dealt with racist all my life and I am too mature at this point to allow their nonsense to disturb me unless they have the power to impact my community or my life. After a discussion with my wife I gained an additional perspective. Note I said additional not different. This conversation was in private, with a woman that was in his life in what often is considered sacrosanct as it relates to privacy. She apparently taped that conversation unless their was someone else present or he is like formerly disgraced president Nixon. For all of you in relationships out there, do you have a reasonable expectation that your partner will not tape your words at one of your worse moments. I am not defending his words mind you just providing something else to consider. She taped a private conversation.
On the news this morning one station made a point of highlighting the fact that Michael Jordan spoke up "when he has never spoke out about any high profile controversial subject previously." Many players that you have never heard from when decisions are being made about our black community are now speaking out about this racial issue. Well it is not the first racial issue that presented them the opportunity to speak out and provide at least their vocal support. Ask yourselves where were they on; Stop and Frisk; States rights to not use Affirmative Action; Minimum Wage Increase; or Immigration. These are things that directly affect the minority community but most remained silent. Probably because they thought they had made it and were now immune.
I feel like that lady who famously quoted, "Ain't nobody got time for that." I am far more concerned about the racist no matter their background who make decisions that impact my life. I am more concerned about my state legislature, the senate and congress and how about the cowardice of the Supreme Court. You see they impact all of our lives from every sector and yet when their thinly veiled racist actions are revealed there is rarely a fervor. Just the other day Sarah Palin who once ran for Vice President stated that water boarding is baptism for terrorist. The problem is who defines who is a terrorist. I am sure the King of England considered George Washington a terrorist.
My point is this we all are in this together and racism affects us all, no matter how high we climb on the socio -economic ladder. We need to take a stand whenever someone is being treated unjustly, bullied or taken advantage of for reasons of race, gender, sexual orientation or anything else besides their behavior. If they are at risk then I am at risk because as I have said before, "when tyrants rule unopposed we all are at risk." So if you sit back and watch get ready for your turn to be violated. My message to all especially those that have been blessed above and beyond mere sustenance is you too can be hurt and denied opportunity by this type of thinking.
I have more opinions about the NAACP, owners and commissioner and there lack of courage in dealing with this guy even though his racism was public years ago. Where was Stern on this issue. More to come.
#DonaldSterling, #LAClippers, #NBA, #Racist,
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