Grapes are rich in polyphenols which protect our hearts, improve circulation and help lower cholesterol.
All grape varieties contain beneficial compounds primarily polyphenols primarily found in the skin. The darker pigments, black, purple and red contain high levels of the flavonoid quercetin and anthocyanins, and both help lower the risk of cancer, heart, and cardiovascular disease. The lighter color grapes have benefits as well since they contain high levels of the anti oxidant catechin. Another antioxidant resveratrol is found in all grapes and it is linked to the prevention of cancer and heart disease, degenerative nerve disease and viral infections. Their are currently studies being done to determine it's impact on Alzheimer's disease.
- Rich source of polyphenols for cancer prevention and cardiovascular disease.
- Quercetin can lower bad cholesterol and is an anticlotting agent.
- Antiviral and antifungal properties
- A great source of vitamin C.
Warning: Wash your grapes before use as they may have been sprayed with pesticides. Store in a cool room or refrigerator to prevent the loss of vitamin C. If cutting the grapes do so at the last minute to prevent browning on the cut side.
White Grape and Lemon Foam (serves 2)
- 1 cup of white grapes seeded or seedless plus extra to serve
- 3/4 cup of sparkling mineral water
- 2 large scoops of frozen plain yogurt.
- 1 1/2 tbsp of concentrated frozen lemonade
- 1 food processor
- Put the grapes, mineral water, frozen yogurt, and lemonade in a food processor and process until smooth.
- Pour the foam into glasses and top off with a few grapes and serve
A great replacement for the sugary soft drinks that we are consuming at Life Threatening levels leading to heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and related chronic illnesses. This tasty concoction helps to prevent those same diseases and is easy and quick to make. Your children, family and friends will love it and receive a great many benefits from consuming this homemade product rather than the overly processed beverages that are offered commercially.
So I encourage you to walk to the supermarket or fresh grocer, purchase the ingredients if you do not already have them at home. Grab the food processor and follow the process listed above. In ten minutes you will be on the path to improving your health. It is inexpensive, easy to prepare and a delight to consume. When you finish, I encourage all to Get Up Get Moving cause........
credited to 100 Best Health Foods.
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