Thursday, December 6, 2012


How Fit Can You Get


I may be a little off the topic of health today because I have something on my mind that is burning a hole in me. I am tired of hearing about the fiscal cliff and the nonsense our legislators on both sides are spewing forth as if we are idiots. The manner in which they whimsically spew their venom is not the behavior we expect from grown men. I am not forgetting the many women that also peruse the halls of congress but they do not seem to be at the heart of the problem. My biggest issue is the term entitlements.

So far the entitlements mentioned are Social Security and Medicare primarily. What I am having a difficult time accepting is labeling these programs as entitlements. Review your paycheck and I am betting you will find coding that indicates funds were deducted from your earnings to pay for these programs. So I guess the question is, “If I am paying for a product, is it an entitlement?” Personally I would make the argument that it is not an entitlement. The word entitlement has its own negative connotations as evidenced in Romney’s remark during the election about the 47% who receive government support feel entitled to it.

Let’s examine who are the 47%. They are elderly (10.3%) and non elderly (6.9%) and may include ultra rich who pay no taxes due to loopholes.  People who Pay Payroll Tax (28.3%), this group has jobs, but are working for very low pay or part time. They pay into Social Security and Medicare through payroll withholding, but because their incomes are so low, they end up owing nothing in income taxes. Others (< 1%) These are probably self-employed individuals who are suffering business reversals. They file tax returns with the hopes of carrying backward or forward their business losses. No tax is due if you threw your money into a business that is not yet giving you a return on your investment. This information is provided by the Tax Policy Center.

So now does this sound like a bunch of lazy free loaders who are unwilling to work? I think not since the bulk of the citizens are the elderly (that have earned our support and paid for it) and the folks who work hard daily and receive very little pay and benefits for their efforts. Do we really want to add additional hardships for them to manage daily? Do we want to increase the number of men, women and children who go to bed hungry every day? Soup kitchens and public pantries are overwhelmed currently and it is a remediation to the problem not a solution. We refer to our country as the most powerful on earth. How is this so if the axiom, “you are only as strong as your weakest link,” is applied?

These are not entitlements. They are necessities for many who will not be able to live well without them. They are not entitlements because we pay for them via our taxes that so many of the ultra rich including many of our lawmakers are able to avoid via loop holes created by them for them. In my mind an entitlement is when you receive something you have not earned. And when we turn our eye towards these talking heads we see people who receive free health care and in some cases a salary for life. How about big agriculture and the huge amounts of subsidies they receive via their lobbyist and cozy relationship with the FDA. Now aren't these entitlements. I believe they are but no one is even mentioning giving anything back but they want to take back from us.

My main question is this, “Why aren't the people who created this mess being held responsible for cleaning it up?” Why aren't the ultra rich, wall street, big banks, big insurance, big industrial military complex, big realtors, and all the others that benefited while this fiscal fandango was dragging us from the black to the red being asked to pay? Why is it always the middle class and the disadvantaged who are blamed whenever there is an economic downturn and yet we are never the ones making the bad decisions or benefiting from them? Something is drastically wrong with our system and it is evident via; the vitriolic relationships amongst our legislators; their inability to make decisions that are mutually beneficial to all classes; and the fiscal cliff still dangling over our heads.

It is stressful, unnecessary and unhealthy for all of us. It is causing stress for all of us as the game is played back and forth between the two sides. Why are we taking sides when if it rains we are all going to get wet? I do not know about you but I am tired of it and speaking up and out is one avenue to get us back on track and united. Pick up a pen or use your tablet, laptop or handheld and write to your legislators and let them know how you feel. Do not sit still and just take the knife in the back. If we were able to mobilize a nation to elect Mr. Obama twice aren't we just as capable of putting enough pressure on our elected officials to stop the ridiculous and churlish demonization of those they disagree with. It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable and it is the avenue to producing results through compromise and common sense.

So in the name of the health of our country I am asking you to demonstrate how you want your legislators to behave when faced with decisions that will have a major impact on everyone. Tell them to stop behaving like your toddlers and teens and get over themselves. Whether Democrat, Republican or Tea Party it is time to stop playing with my life and the lives of my family and friends. If you are like me and, no matter of your affiliation, want the juvenile antics of the posers to cease hit like and share with your friends on social media. Let’s unite and send a strong definitive message that if we go over the cliff in 2013 they will go over their own personal cliff during the midterm elections.

Do not wait to participate. Get up Get Moving and write a letter today to your legislator letting them know the behavior you expect is responsible bi partisan solutions and eliminate the posing partisanship which is why we are in this position now. Get your friends and family involved since…..


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