Thursday, November 15, 2012


How Fit Can You Get


A few weeks ago I was bench pressing for maximum weight and asked someone who appeared capable to spot me. I explained to him exactly what I needed him to do and we proceeded. Well either I did not explain it correctly or he did not understand because it did not go well. As soon as I heard the click in my right shoulder I knew there was a problem. Those who have been at this for awhile know the sound and feeling the moment an injury occurs. When I got home I did nothing to treat it and slept on it awkwardly which seems to have increased the damage.

Now you are probably thinking I guess you stopped lifting for a day or so to allow it to heal. Nope, instead of shutting it down and listening to my body I continued over the next 2 weeks or so to do weight resistance exercises. The discomfort caused by the injury to shoulder became progressively worse and now I have had to shut it down completely for the last week or so. I continued to lift because I was determined to reach certain goals and I was closing in on them quickly. My plan was to compete in a weight lifting contest that was certified and provided an opportunity to go after the PA/USA bench press record for my age and weight.

The record for PA for a 54 year old in the 220 lbs range is 347 and my last maximum was 375. I was able to take it down to my chest stop it and press it without help. Having gained so much strength since I started back in April 2012 I was determined to keep it moving. In April, I struggled to lift 200 lbs and now I was approaching 400. I was excited to see what the limit was and I did not pay attention despite not being able to turn in bed without discomfort. I finally accepted the reality of my situation last week and ceased lifting free weights as the strain is too much. As a result I will not be competing this weekend and in addition I will lose the registration fees.

I am disappointed not as much about not competing but because this did not have to happen. If I had stopped immediately and treated the injury with ice initially and then heat after the first 24 hours, I believe I’d be fine right now. However my fear of losing ground dominated my mind and led to poor decision making. My body was telling me to stop and instead I allowed my ego to drive my decision making. As I reflect on my life in and out of the gym decisions driven by ego usually lead to negative outcomes. This one certainly has.

My shoulder is healing slowly and I have not lifted for the last 7-10 days and I miss it. However I know it is not ready and my decision making is coming from a different place. So I want you to take this lesson from my experience pay attention and hang your ego at the door. Whether it is in love, work or play ego based decision will almost always create barriers to your success and our ego is almost always actively present in our minds. It takes conscious decision making and that requires us to make outcome based decisions always keeping the goal in mind.

My goal was to go beyond just competing and obliterate that record on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at a State certified competition. It is likely, based on the progress I made, that I would have done exactly that. However the positive feedback I was getting at the gym was seductive and I lost sight of the goal. Breaking the record at the gym was not the goal and now all I have is a few witnesses that are able to tell what I did. However here I sit with no certified record.

The main reason I was training to set the record was to increase my credibility as a fitness expert and promote my brand. It will have to wait for now as I sabotaged myself because I did not pay attention to clear and indisputable evidence that I was injured and required rest. So my advice to you is pay attention and do not let your ego create barriers to your goals. This is a setback that I am certain I will overcome however there is no guarantee. As I have advised many people, make conscious decisions based on the goals you have set for yourself. If it is not consistent with and does not further your progress towards achieving your goal, why are you doing it?

I continue to work out but I am making very conscious decisions about what I am doing. So I have adjusted my work out and I am using bands, and machines so I do not strain the shoulder any further. I have also increased the amount of cardio and core work so that I am still able to Get Up Get Moving because I know……….


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