Thursday, September 20, 2012


How Fit Can You Get


While doing these exercises for your arms you  want to pay attention to the elbow as it 

should remain in place form start to finish on each repetition. You do this by locking the

shoulder joint to keep the tension on your bicep or triceps. This way you will get the 

maximum benefit and increase the strength and size your arms. Also note the triceps muscle 

will grow faster than your bicep yet many work their bicep to death mistakenly thinking that is 

the quicker path to big arms. It is not but even if it was you need a strong triceps to increase 

strength in your shoulders and chest so there are  many reasons to strengthen your triceps. It is 

also important to maintain balance throughout your body. Work Hard work smart and 



Standing alternating dumb bell curls       3                                  8-12

Triceps push down rope                        3                                  8-12

Barbell lying triceps extension                3                                  8-12

Preacher curls                                       3                                  8-12

Curl Bar standing bicep curls                 3                                  8-12

Triceps kickbacks                                 3                                  8-12


Papu said...

Jay how many time a week should I do this routine?

Unknown said...

Hi Papu,
It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish and which workout are you referencing. I do each workout once a week because I rarely combine body parts. But some people who combine workout say chest and triceps or back and biceps, may do the routine more than once per week. It also depends on if you are a beginner. If you are I would do each of the workouts once per week and never do the same work out on consecutive days.

I recommend doing each body part once per week and allow your body rest and recover. Weight training is designed to strain the muscle signaling it that it needs to grow to accomplish the challenge presented.

I hope this helps. Write and tell me more about yourself and your goals and I will provide you with some support. Are you male or female, body type, age etc... all of these factors will impact. Even ancestry/blood type impacts you especially as it regards you nutrition. Find the book, "Eat Right for Your Type" and use this as a guide for how you eat.