Tuesday, April 1, 2014



I am back writing again and hope to recapture my audience. This is what I love to do and I am excited to re-establish my blog and share information with the world. Actually being able to reach across the planet and share your thoughts and knowledge with  others and receive feedback for intelligent discourse is not lost on me. You see unlike many of you younger folks who use the Internet as an essential tool of your life, I grew up when a color television and a transistor radio were considered hi tech. So my appreciation for the worldwide reach of the Internet is always on the surface of my mind.

Health is important to me for many reasons but as I have said earlier, I am the last living male on my dad's side of the family and many of his siblings died very young including my dad and his mother. My mom is now 83 and healthy, mobile and energetic. She actually delivers food and holy communion to the elderly. Her siblings lived long lives as well and she had a cousin who lived to 104 years old and outlived all of her children. So my genetics may lean more towards hers but in case they do not I work at staying healthy via food and exercise.

Now I am expanding my vision to include an additional lifestyle changes that I hope will increase my chances to live a long and healthy life. So in the spirit of full disclosure I am working at stop smoking. Listen to me I started this habit many years ago and I am testament to the fact that it is probably one of the most addictive habits in this world but legal. Go figure! The difference this time is I am not trying to stop I am stopping. No pills, patches or nicotine replacement because these do not work for me. Patches equal night mares as do the pills. The nicotine gum irritates my throat to the point it becomes hard to breathe.

My process will be to reduce the amount smoked by decreasing the pressure to do so. I am keeping the milestones small by using 5 minute increments of time. So its simple, if I get the urge I have to add a minimum of 5 minutes before I actually light up. Yes I am using procrastination to create a positive for myself. Procrastination leads to more procrastination. And yes it seems to be working as 5 minutes turns into 15 that turns into 30 and yes even hours.

For the first time I am confident I will be able to do this without the pressure and disappointment that comes with momentary failure. Since it is easy to add 5 minutes I have removed that emotion from the equation which allows me to keep going. This lesson also gives me some insight about many who are seeking to become healthier and how those momentary failures negatively impact our success. It seems when we experience them it is easier to give up and quit. 

So I encourage you to join me with whatever your goal is.Whether it is weight loss, smoking drugs, gaining weight or a bad relationship. We can do this together and provide support for each other and succeed together. You are not alone and neither am I. Set your goal and reduce the milestones to things you know you can do. You may increase them later if you desire. This can be applied to anyone and anything you are attempting to achieve since you can tailor it to your personal make up and situation. Let us know how you are doing via the comment section or just sit back read the updates. I have included a link to a motivational video below.

So Get Up Get Moving cause CHIT CHAT WON'T BURN FAT

#getwell #healthyliving #fitness #workout #weighttraining #weightloss


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