Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Both fresh and dried apricots are highly nutritious and have a low glycemic index making them and excellent treat for sweet toothed people who are trying to lose weight.

Fresh apricots contain vitamin C, folate, potassium, and vitamin E. Their high content of beta carotene, an excellent anti oxidant helps to prevent cancers. They are also ideal for weight management as they are a good source of fiber and are fat free. The semi dried, plumped fruit is a very good source of potassium and iron, however the drying process diminishes the vitamin C and carotene content. Dried apricots, because they contain less water are pound for pound higher in calories than fresh ones but they are an ideal energy boosting snack.
  • Contain a range of carotenoids, beta carotene for cancer prevention; lutein and zeaxanthin for eye health; and cryptoxanthin, which may help to maintain bone health.
  • High in total and soluble fiber for healthy heart and circulation.
  • Excellent source of potassium.
Practical Tips

Fresh apricots need to be fully ripe to maximize their carotene content, and cooking them helps the carotene and soluble fiber to be better absorbed in the body. Fresh apricots are excellent in fruit crumbles or poached in white wine. When buying dried apricots, ideally choose organic because they are absent of sulfur dioxide.

Apricots Buzz

6 apricots
1 orange
1 fresh lemongrass stalk
3/4 inch piece of fresh ginger

  1. Halve and pit the apricots. Peel the orange, leaving some of the whit pith. Cut the lemon grass into hunks
  2. Place the apricots, orange, lemongrass and ginger in the juice and juice all the ingredients together. Pour the mixture into tall glasses and serve.

Prep time 5 minutes

Enjoyable and refreshing as well as low fat with a low glycemic index, this wonderful recipe is good at anytime. It will provide you with great energy as well as helping to protect you from cancer, increasing bone health and your vision. You cannot beat that for something that takes 5 minutes and a few dollars to make. The ingredients are common and inexpensive so Get Up Get Moving and Get Some Apricots. Make a Toast to Better Health for You Now while keeping in mind......


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