Wednesday, January 16, 2013


How Fit Can You Get


Even without a calendar I am able to tell it is the New Year when I arrive at the gym. Whether in the morning or afternoon there is a definitive uptick in the number of new and returning members working out vigorously. Some of the regularly attending members have voiced some displeasure, consternation as well as a lack faith in the new folks remaining consistent. The consensus seems to be, be patient they will be gone in a week or so. It happens every year and those of us who consistently attend any gym are well aware of the fact that the New Year is motivation for many to start anew in many phases of their life.

Have you started making the changes in your life you vowed would begin when the New Year arrived? If you have not I hope you do soon but if you wait for later and actually do so that is good as well. For those of you that have begun exercising anew I am happy for you and encourage you to stick with it. I, unlike many of my health conscience contemporaries, am glad to see you when I arrive at the gym. I support and lift up your effort to improve yourself in whatever your endeavor. However this one may extend your life and at the very least improve your quality of life. Be encouraged that you have begun your journey even if you are not where you want to be on the path. Also know you may be encouraging someone you love to do so as well and that is very powerful.

We are now into the second full week of the year and I am certain you may be questioning whether it is worth it to continue. Sore muscles, wet rainy weather, aching joints and no immediate progress are barriers to success particularly in the health and wellness arena. If you are not used to exercising than you may not understand that the soreness goes hand and hand with any form of vigorous exercise whether it is running, biking, or even yoga. Many people expect it to go away after they've been working out for some time but please note if you plan to continue to push for progress the soreness will accompany your progress.

For some though the original soreness is a direct result of the passion you entered the gym for a new start. Your passion is a great quality however when starting to workout it can be a detriment. Since you probably do not know your body’s limitations it is wise to start slowly and expand your workout gradually so that you may minimize the soreness and avoid the injuries to your muscles and joints. If weight training, it is important to realize that although it is an excellent avenue for shaping up it can cause injury easily if not done properly. Beyond good form, one must consciously be aware that everyone has limitations at least initially and progress can be delayed if you go at it too hard too soon. It is my honest belief this is a primary reason people who begin working out full of good intentions and commitment, frequently quit within the first 3-6 weeks.

As the numbers begin to dwindle already, my thoughts also go to the people I see on the scale daily. You know who you are and I empathize with you and your desire to reach your goals. However the scale and any other measure of progress you are checking daily is not wise. 1 of 2 things happens and they are both bad. If you have gained weight you become discouraged and eat. If you have lost you get excited and reward yourself with bad fuel. 

I often tell my clients to stay away from the scale and other measuring devices and pay attention to how you feel when you awaken, throughout the day and particularly at the end of the day. Initially, you may feel a little tired as your body builds endurance and muscle but over time you will have more energy throughout your daily activities. Another great measure if you must is paying attention to how you feel in your clothing. Give yourself a chance and give it at least 3-6 weeks before you get on the scale.

So if you have a New Year’s commitment to improve your health stick with it and do not quit or take a break. Breaks transform themselves into quitting especially if you just recently began and there is no muscle memory to help drive you forward and onward. Even with long termers like myself returning after the 2 week break I recently took during the holidays makes a big difference in endurance and strength. 

Hang in there and the rewards will come as you build a more functional and efficient machine to move your spirit throughout this world. Believe in yourself, ask questions of other members, gym staff or seek other resources such as blogs and videos but Do Not Quit or Take a Break. Your health should be a priority for you no matter what else is happening in your life since without it everything else is more difficult.

6-12 weeks is a good period of time to make a decision about your routine and determining whether or not it is producing the results you desire. Even if it is working this is also a good point to vary it slightly so that you avoid the work out cliff, “the plateau.” Everyone hits this point where the progress you are making slows to a crawl or you even may begin to slide backwards. This is muscle memory communicating that there is enough endurance and muscle to sustain these workout so there is no need for additional progress. Consistency is great when it comes to attendance and intensity but is a drawback when it comes to your routine. Your routines can not become routine if you want to continue to gain muscle fiber and build endurance and strength.

The idea is to become healthier not perfect. Perfect is not realistic for most of us.So if your goal is realistic it is likely you will reach it. Set small milestones like just showing up and putting in the work progressively until you are able to complete a full workout each time. Just like work showing up consistently is more than half the battle since a warm cozy bed can be difficult to leave behind. Leave your comfort zone and expand it to include better health, fitness and wellness for you and those close to you. Becoming healthier is a marathon not a sprint and those who understand and except that are usually more successful.

So Get Up Get Moving a little more each time and keep in mind…………

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