Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life Beyond Limitations of Fear

Hi All,
It has been a long while since I wrote anything on this blog and I told myself that it was because I was busy and I did not have time. Recently I read my youngest daughters Blog on, "A Curl's Best Friend", where she exposed her heart. You see Antoinette, has a BS in Theater and has yet to fully apply herself since her graduation 2 years ago. In her previous comments about her lack of action, she always indicated she lost interest and would return if somehow motivated. Those close to her knew theater was her passion but did not push back knowing the Lord would not provide such a gift as the ability to thoroughly entertain and dominate any venue if He did not want it revealed to the world. See God wants us to show off the gifts he has given us when we do it with the acknowledgement of the gift. In this blog she seemed to recognize her fears and I am sure will push past them.

However I am not certain, my child understood the gift she had since it came so natural to her. She walks in the room and radiates pure presence and when she sings of Lord is all I ever can think. It occurs to me that often when talents are bestowed and seem so natural it is those around us who we need to make sure we know how special our talent is. Otherwise we tend to take it for granted and its development and effective utilization is diminished and buried beneath our fears. Usually this fear may be summed up in one simple interrogative, "Am I Good Enough?", or "Will people accept me/like me?" 

As parents we are charged with making sure our children believe in themselves and are motivated to make the best out of their obvious talents and discover and develop new ones as they go along. Despite our own unidentified and unacknowledged fears we push them to move forward and dare to be great when we ourselves have never done so as an adult. As kids we take many risk and challenged ourselves to reach beyond the familiar into the stratosphere of our ability well beyond our comfort zone. Yet as adults when we are probably the most equipped via education and experience to reach for the stars we do not. When we run across the middle of the field of opportunity we short arm it and frequently let the opportunity pass us by no matter how prepared we are to take on the challenge.

After reading my daughter's verse I realized I am now in that category. Not doing what I really want and I am passionate about. as I read the article I felt like I was writing it. a few weeks prior that I rad a post somewhere that said, "If you are not willing to work for your dream than someone is willing to have you work for theirs." I told myself then, I was going to take a step into the unknown and build my dream. However it has been 2 weeks since that time and until now I have done nothing but play on facebook and watch the television. No writing, no reading, no planning. I have always told my children that if they want something different than they need to do something different. I confess I have not followed my own advice over the last 2 months but I am glad to say that I have begun with me. Knowing that If I change how and what I am doing my circumstances will change.

I leave you with this thought today, "How long are you gong to sit in your puddle of fear wishing you had a life that only you can give yourself?" Forget the lotto, and the paycheck, concerns about health care and security. Security on this planet is an illusion and I reference a 2 dates in my lifetime when no matter how secure your job, home or relationship your sense of security was rattled beyond recognition, 9/11/2011, and 11/22/1963. It is an illusion that anything or anyone beyond ourselves will provide us with the security we seek. Security comes in knowing you have fulfilled your purpose on this planet and have served the planet and it inhabitants well


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow when I will discuss some observations on the Gap between . Knowledge and Implementation. Stay Tuned.

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